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The Productivity Summary Report

The Productivity Summary report provides an executive-level summary and comparison of target, budget, and actual data. This summary combines data available in other reports, allowing you to analyze the data without running multiple reports.

Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Submit Report.

Running the Productivity Summary Report

Complete the following steps to run the Productivity Summary report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Management > Productivity Summary. This opens the Productivity Summary Report page with the Selection Criteria tab active.
  2. Select a Report By option. Your selection here determines how the report groups the data for review. The available options are Profile, Service Line, and Facility, with Profile being the default selection.
  3. Select a facility or facilities. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
  4. Select a service line or lines.
  5. Select a profile or profiles. If you have never run this report before, all profiles are selected by default.
  6. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu. The default start date is today.
  7. Enter an end date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu. Your selected end date must be equal to or fall after your selected start date. In addition, the end date must be within 12 months of your start date. The default end date is today.
  8. Select a Select Midnight Census option. Available options are On hour at start of day (that is, the census when the day officially begins) and At 11:59 at end of day (the census when the day officially ends).
  9. Select a Target option. Available options are Planner and Demand.
  10. Select which Skills the report includes. Available options are All Skills and Specific Skill.
  11. Enter your email address in the Email Recipients box. If you want, you can also add additional email addresses to send the report to other people. When entering multiple addresses, separate the email addresses with the punctuation used by your facility; this is usually a comma (,) or a semi-colon (;). The report uses the exact text you enter here in the email To: line when sending the report output.
  12. Click Submit Report.
  13. Click OK to close the message alert box.

When the solution has finished processing your report, it sends the report to the address or addresses you entered in the Email Recipients box.

To clear all your selections on the Selection Criteria tab, click Clear Form at the bottom of the page.

To print the report, see Printing Reports.

Viewing the Productivity Summary Report

The email you receive has the Productivity Summary Report attached in two formats: portable document format (PDF) and comma-separated values (CSV). Both files contain the same data, but the output displays differently.

Notes: The report only calculates demand for direct care hours. It does not calculate demand for indirect, operational, or benefit hours. As a result, if you selected Demand as your target, the columns for Direct HPPD Demand Target, Worked HPPD Demand Target, and Paid HPPD Demand Target will always match.

If Demand is not configured for one of your selected profiles, the report uses the Planner values instead. If none of your selected profiles are configured for Demand, the report uses the Planner values and changes the columns to read Planner, not Demand.

Key to Report Column Abbreviations

Viewing the PDF Output

The report header includes the following information:

The report footer includes the date and time the report was generated and page information, such as Page 1 of 3.

The headings and rows in the report grid change based on your selected Report By option:

The following columns are the same for reports by Facility, Service Line, and Profile. The report displays all calculated values to the second decimal unless otherwise specified. Except for certain values, such as those shown in the ADT Index and Utilization columns, numerical values are averages of the daily values per patient based on your selections of a Start Date, End Date, Target, and Skills.

Utilization columns, which all contain the words Util (T/S), are also color-coded. Values greater than or equal to 100% display in bold red text. Values less than or equal to 100% display in italic blue text.

The first set of columns in the report covers general information.

The next set of columns reports on all paid hours, including productive, non productive, and benefit hours.

The third set of columns reports on productive and non-productive worked hours.

The fourth set of columns reports on direct care hours.

The fifth set of columns reports on position control by comparing target positions to filled positions.

The report is sized to print on standard 8.5 x 11 inch paper. This means that the report may truncate Facility, Service Line, or Profile names in some instances to fit the rest of the report data on the page.

Viewing the CSV Output

While the data in the CSV file is the same as the PDF file, there are three main differences:

Sample Report

The following illustration shows the report as a PDF file.

The next illustration shows the same report as a CSV file viewed in Microsoft Excel.

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