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The Productivity: Paid Hours Report

If you have never run the Productivity: Paid Hours Report before, review the following information before running the report. If you are familiar with the report, you can go directly to the steps for running the report.

About the Productivity: Paid Hours Report

The Productivity: Paid Hours Report (formerly known as the Paid Hours by Pay Period Report) calculates all paid hours for your selected period across profiles, including totals, and segmented by user-defined categories. In addition, the report supports multiple metrics for analyzing productivity. The report includes target hours generated by volume and either the workload matrix or core coverage from Workload Planner or Demand Manager, if configured for one or more selected profiles.

The report requires that daily (not day of week) values exist in the Budget Data dialog of Staff Manager Client. The report draws from budget data entered in the following categories on the Budget Data dialog. While this report supports user-defined categories, it is important that you understand the Staff Manager definitions of these categories. Your defined terminology must be aligned with the Staff Manager definitions for the report data to be meaningful. Definitions for each category are provided below.

Settings Affecting the Productivity: Paid Hours Report: Categories

You can customize the labels for each Category and Subcategory included in the report detail section. Staff Manager uses the rules below to determine whether it counts your defined Categories as Worked time or Paid Not Worked time. You create these labels as user-defined fields in the Staff Manager Client User-Defined Fields dialog box.

You should name Categories using the following rules:

For information on how the report displays Category subtotal and totals, see Viewing the Productivity: Paid Hours Report.

When determining Categories, it is a good idea to align to finance, yet take advantage of the additional detail this reports provides. So if current financial reports consider all worked hours equally, use this report to separate time into manageable categories and subcategories to assist in fiscal management at the department level.

When setting up the user-defined fields in Staff Manager versions 7.4 through 8.0, anything that was to be configured as Paid Not Worked had to be set up with a 5* or a 6*. As of version 8.1, this limitation no longer exists.

Settings Affecting the Productivity: Paid Hours Report: Subcategories

Subcategories are defined within each Category and do not have specific naming rules.

The following table displays examples of how you might define Categories and Subcategories.

Categories Subcategories
1 Direct Patient Care RN, UAP, Sitter, Other
2 Indirect Patient Care Management, Charge, Clerical Support, Clinical Support
3 Operational Orientation, Meeting, Council, Education
4 (Optional) Worked Category (Optional) Worked Subcategory; does not align with Budget Data value in Staff Manager Client
5* Benefit Bereavement, PTO, Holiday, Sick, Vacation
6* On-Call (No subcategories)
7# Unpaid Time Off Leave of Absence, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

You can link four Categories to daily values from the Budget Data dialog box. The following table shows how you should label Category names should in order to link them to the appropriate budget data values.

Starting a Category Name With Links the Category to the Daily Value for
1 Prod Direct
2 Prod Indirect
3 Operational
5* Benefit Time

You do not have to set daily budget values in order to run this report, but if there are no daily budget values, some report values are displayed as zero (0).


Sam wants to create six new Categories to use with the Productivity: Paid Hours Report. Several categories should also have Subcategories. Sam first creates a User Defined Category called 1 Direct Patient Care. Within 1 Direct Patient Care, Sam creates the fields RN, UAP Sitter, and Other. These are the Subcategories. Because the Category starts with 1, Staff Manager automatically links this Category to the daily value for Prod Direct as set on the Budget Data Budget-Job Code tab.

Sam repeats the steps to create the following Categories and Subcategories.

2 Indirect Patient Care (automatically linked to the Prod Indirect daily value on the Daily Budget tab of the Budget Data dialog box) with the fields Management, Charge time, no patients, Clerical Support, and Clinical Support

3 Operational (automatically linked to the Operational daily value on the Daily Budget tab of the Budget Data dialog box), with the fields Orientation, Meeting, Council, and Education

5* Benefit (automatically linked to the Benefit Time daily value) with the fields Bereave, Holiday, Sick, and Vacation

6* On-Call. Sam did not create any Subcategories for this Category. Staff Manager connects this Category to Paid Not Worked time because the Category name has a number and asterisk (6*).

7# Other. Sam created the Subcategories FMLA and LOA.

Setting Subcategory Values

For the Productivity: Paid Hours Report to count tasks in its details section, the tasks must have percent values greater than zero in the User Defined Category fields. Once you have created Categories and Subcategories, you should set values for the Subcategories with the User Defined Fields button on the Task tab of the Assignments dialog in Staff Manager Client. For example, if the report should include 100% of 7a-3p RN task hours in the 1 Direct Patient Care Category, you must complete the following steps.

  1. Open Staff Manager Client.
  2. From the Maintain menu, select Assignment Info. This opens the Assignments dialog.
  3. In the left pane, select the 7a-3p RN task. In the right pane, click the Task tab.
  4. Click User Defined Fields in the right pane. This opens the User Defined Fields dialog box.
  5. In the left pane, select 1 Direct Patient Care. The right pane displays the Subcategories, such as RN, UAP, or Other.
  6. In the right pane, enter 100 in the RN field Value box.
  7. Click OK to save the change and close the User Defined Fields dialog box.
  8. Click OK to save the change and close the Assignments dialog box.

You can assign one task to several Subcategories. For example, you can assign a new RN to a Unit Orient task with values of 25% for Direct Patient Care and 75% for Orientation (Indirect Patient Care). To do this, you would

  1. Select the Unit Orient task in the Assignments dialog.
  2. Click the Task tab.
  3. Click User Defined Fields. This opens the User Defined Fields dialog box.
  4. Select the 1 Direct Patient Care Category.
  5. Enter 25 in the RN field Value box.
  6. Select the 3 Indirect Category.
  7. Enter 75 in the Orientation field Value box.
  8. Click OK to save the change and close the User Defined Fields dialog box.
  9. Click OK to save the change and close the Assignments dialog box.

You could set a Charge RN task with values of 50% for direct patient care and 50% for direct support by entering 50 in the RN Subcategory of 1 Direct Patient Care and 50% in the Charge Subcategory for 2 Direct Support.

How the Application Calculates Report Values

The Productivity: Paid Hours Report calculates task hours by multiplying coverage hours by the percent value entered for the task’s Subcategory. The report then adds the hours to create a subtotal for each Category.

For example, if an RN is assigned to Unit Orient task for eight hours, the report displays a subtotal of two for the Direct Patient Care Category and six for the Indirect Category. The RN Subcategory has a value of 25: 8 hours multiplied by 25% equals 2. The Orientation Subcategory has a value of 75: 8 hours multiplied by 75% equals 6.

The report calculates the summary Total Worked value by adding the subtotals of those Categories whose names are preceded by a number, such as 1 Direct Patient Care, 2 Direct Support Care, or 3 Indirect. The report summary Paid Not Worked value is calculated by adding the subtotals of those Categories whose names are preceded by a number and an asterisk (*), such as 5* Benefit or 6*On-Call.

The report summary Calculated OT field includes the Total Worked hours designated as overtime based upon rules set at the profile level, the employee level, or both. You should be aware that if you create Overtime Subcategories for any of the Categories (for example, in the Direct Patient Care Category), those hours most likely will not match the Calculated OT hours. An Overtime Subcategory would be best used for overtime tracking tasks.

How the Sum Volume by Day Field Affects this Report

Profiles using the Workload Class methodology have a report option unavailable to profiles using other methodologies. Staff Manager normally calculates volume using a weighted average formula, but Workload Class profiles can select instead to sum volume by day. This setting is in Staff Manager Administrator on the Edit Profile dialog Workload tab. Profiles using Sum Volume by Day can also set a Sum Volume Effective Date, marking the date the change should begin.

If the selected profile or profiles have a Sum Volume Effective Date prior to you running the report, then the report calculates volumes using the Sum Volume by Day logic. Otherwise, the report uses the weighted average formula for calculating volume.

If a profile's Sum Volume Effective Date is in the middle of the report range you have selected, the report calculates volumes in two ways:

When the effective date occurs in the middle of the report range, the report displays those volume numbers in italics. In addition, the following message is displayed at the bottom of the report: Note: Volume numbers in italics show that some days sum volume by day and some average volume by day. This means the effective date to Sum Volume by Day is within the report range.

See Reports and Volume for more information about the Sum Volume by Day field and reports.

Running the Productivity: Paid Hours Report

This report is designed to be run both prospectively and retrospectively, but prospective reporting is limited to the data in the schedule. If a period is selected where schedule data does not exist, the report displays the message There is no report data for your selected parameters. If you run the report for multiple profiles, and schedule data exists for some of those profiles, that data prints. For those profiles without schedule data, the no report data message is displayed on the Summary or the Detail page in lieu of data. Finally, reports run for future dates displays zeroes (0) in cells calculated using Midnight Census values, as that data does not exist for future dates.

Staff Manager uses anchors when calculating Start and End dates. Anchors are Shift Category Partitions that designates the time when analysis for a work day begins. For example, if you select a start date of April 13, and the selected profile has an anchor of 7:00 a.m., Staff Manager calculates April 13 as being the 24 hours between 7:00 a.m. on April 13 and 6:59 a.m. on April 14.

Complete the following steps to run the Productivity: Paid Hours report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Management > Productivity Paid Hours. This opens the Productivity Paid Hours page.
  2. Select facilities. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
  3. Select profiles. If logged in as an administrator, you can select from all the profiles in the database. If logged in as an employee who can manage profiles, only those profiles to which you have access are displayed in the Profiles list.
  4. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
  5. Select a time period. Enter a number in the Period box, then select Days, Weeks, or Months. For example, if you enter 12 in the box and then click Days, the report displays 12 days of data starting with the date you selected in the Start Date box.
  6. Select a Select Midnight Census option. Available options are On hour at start of day (that is, the census when the day officially begins) and At 11:59 at end of day (the census when the day officially ends).
  7. Select a Select Output option.
  8. Select an option for Hide row if Actual Hours for Sub Category is 0 in Detail Report? Available options are True and False. Selecting True hides any Sub Category with zero (0) hours during the selected report period. Selecting False displays all Sub Category rows.
  9. Select a Target selection.
  10. Select an Export Type option.
  11. Click Run Report.

Viewing the Productivity: Paid Hours Report

The report reviews each Category and the data within each defined subcategory. It also provides subtotals for each defined category and for the major groupings of categories Worked and Paid not Worked, displayed as a Grand Total. Totals included are sub-totals, totals, and a Grand total based on the defined Categories.

Summary Only Report

The Productivity: Paid Hours (Summary Only) Report has five sections, designed to let you compare patient data, actual data, budget data, and target data at the same time.

Summary and Detail Report

If you selected the Summary and Detail option, the report contains the summary data listed previously, along with the following details for each selected profile.

Summary and Summary and Detail Report

If you select the Both option, you receive both the Summary and Summary and Detail reports. The Summary report displays on the first page, with the Summary and Detail report displaying on the following pages.

Sample Report

This report displays both the Summary and the Summary and Detail reports.

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