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Canceling Patient Transfers Across Facilities

In organizations using a Registration Import interface to process patient data, Clairvia Web can display information about patient transfers between facilities. This topic reviews what happens when Clairvia Web receives information that an inter-facility patient transfer has been canceled and how it affects the various solutions in the Cerner Clairvia suite.

The patient transfer cancellation must come from a Registration interface. You cannot cancel patient transfers across facilities in Clairvia Web. You can, however, cancel patient transfers within a facility in Clairvia Web. See Managing ADT Events with the ADT Functions Window for more information.

When Clairvia Web receives a cancellation event for an inter-facility patient transfer, it either restores the patient to their pre-transfer profile or updates the patient's location, based on the events it receives from the Registration interface.

Demand Manager

If a Cancel Transfer event is sent after a transfer is processed, Demand Manager restores the patient to their pre-transfer profile. Their patient pattern bar is also restored, with the D and A (indicating departure from the sending facility and arrival at the receiving facility) removed.

How the tabs of the Patient Encounter Information window display patient information depends on the type of inter-facility patient transfer cancellation.

Patient Pattern Manager

How Patient Pattern Manager handles a canceled inter-facility patient transfer depends on where the patient goes.

Assignment Manager

If a Cancel Transfer event is sent after a transfer is processed, Assignment Manager either restores the patient to their pre-transfer profile or updates the patient's location, based on the events it receives from the Registration interface. Be aware that any caregiver assignments that existed before the initial transfer are not reinstated. You can still make assignments for the remainder of the shift either by assigning another caregiver to the patient or by manually editing the previous assignment and restoring it for the rest of the shift. Assignment Manager removes the arrival and departure icons (A and d) associated with the canceled transfer.

Outcomes-Driven Acuity

The only thing to be aware in Outcomes-Driven Acuity is that any acuity assessments reported in the interval between when an inter-facility transfer was processed and when the transfer went through are lost if that transfer is canceled. Assessments made before and after the canceled transfer are retained.

In very rare cases, while the acuity assessment is lost as part of the canceled transfer, the score for the assessment persists in tabs on the Patient Encounter Window.

The following illustrations demonstrate this rare circumstance. Patient Bruce Rogers was on Baseline West ICU. Mr. Rogers was transferred to Baseline East 4W on December 10, 2015. While he was on 4W, he was assessed and given and acuity level of 9. After this assessment, the patient transfer across facilities was canceled. Mr. Rogers was returned to Baseline West ICU and his 4W acuity assessment was deleted.

The following illustration shows Mr. Rogers Patient Event History. There is no record of the canceled transfer, but the 4W acuity assessment remains, erroneously attributed to the ICU location. Due to the difference in how outcomes are weighted in each location, the 4W acuity level of 9 is translated as an acuity level of 8 in ICU.

If you review the Patient Progress Pattern tab, you see that the 4W acuity level of 9 is still reflected in the patient's pattern (the pink section of the bar). Once again, the assessment is erroneously attributed to the ICU location even though the bar uses the 4W level of 9.

Only the Assessment History tab accurately displays acuity assessment from 4W and its acuity level 9.

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