You are here: Demand Manager for Administrative Users > Managing ADT Events with the ADT Functions Window

Managing ADT Events with the ADT Functions Window

The ADT Functions window lets you manually create and cancel discharge and transfer events. While the Registration Import normally processes these patient event messages automatically, you might need to add events manually if:

Be aware that you can only use the ADT Functions window to create transfers within a single facility. You cannot create a patient transfer from one facility to another. See Understanding Patient Transfers Across Facilities for more information.

Only users with Read/Write Demand access can use the ADT Functions window. Schedulers set this employee level permission in Staff Manager Client.

You cannot add or edit an event while a previous patient message, manual or received from the ADT Interface, has a status of Pending. You must wait for Staff Manager to process the first event before you add a second.

You must enter the patient encounter or medical record number exactly as the application displays it. If the number is 00003456789, you must enter the entire number, including the zeroes. When in doubt as to the exact number, you should run the Patient List report to confirm.

Organizations with CareAware iBus and Cerner Millennium environments must use care when creating manual ADT events. Patient information, including encounter numbers and locations, must match in Staff Manager and Millennium. ADT events created in Staff Manager are not sent to the iBus and will not update Millennium.

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