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Assigning Staff to Departments

The Assignment Manager Department Assign feature supports the assignment of any personnel to a department, such as respiratory therapists covering ICU, nursing supervisor covering all departments, or a chaplain on duty. Your profile may not be configured to assign staff to departments. See Configuring Department Assign for more information.

Complete the following steps to assign staff to departments:

  1. From the Assignment Manager menu, select Department Assign. The Department Assign page opens with the Summary by Staff view active.
  2. By default, the page displays the personnel scheduled for the current date and shift category partition in the profile you last updated. The application lists the personnel scheduled in any task with greater than 0% coverage and which is not set to Show in Patient Assignment. To change to a different date, profile, or shift category partition, follow these steps.
    1. Select a date from the Date menu or use the Calendar tool.
    2. Select a profile from the Profile menu. The menu only displays profiles enabled for Department Assign: View and Department Assign: Assign on the Department Assign Settings page.
    3. Select a shift category partition from the Shift Partition menu. The shift category is set for each profile on the Department Assign Settings page.
    4. Click Go. This updates the page to display the data for the Shift Category Partition you selected.
  3. In the Assign section of the toolbar, click Department. This opens the Assign Department view.
  4. If you want, you can click Continuity to use the Assign for Continuity feature. This assigns staff to profiles based on who was assigned most recently, depending on how you have configured Department Assign. For example, if you configured the Assign for Continuity value as 72 hours, clicking Continuity assigns staff to profiles based on who was assigned most recently to each profile in the last three days, starting with the immediately prior shift category and working back.
  5. You can assign staff to profiles one at a time, assign many staff to a single profile, or assign many staff to multiple profiles.
    1. To assign a single person, select the person from the Staff table on the left, drag them to the Profiles table on the right, and drop them on the row beneath the desired profile. Both tables update to show the new information. To assign another person to the same profile, drag and drop them to the same row. The number of rows under each profile increases to show the staff assignments as you make them.
    2. To assign multiple staff to the same profile, select one or more people on the left and drag and drop them to the row beneath the selected profile.
    3. To assign staff to multiple profiles, select the staff on the left and select the desired profiles on the right. Drag and drop them to any one of the highlighted profiles.
  6. If you want, you can edit any assigned staff's Start and End times for a profile.
  7. When you have completed assigning departments, click Save.
    1. If there are any conflicts, such as profiles not having staff assigned for all hours of the shift, a window displays a warning message with instructions on how to correct the issue. Click OK to save the assignment or click Cancel to close the warning message, make the corrections if necessary, and click Save again.
    2. If there are no conflicts, a window displays the message Are you sure you wish to save these changes? Click OK to complete the assignment or Cancel to cancel it.

Staff Assignments to profiles configured for Patient Assign are automatically added to the Summary by Caregiver view of the Patient Assignment page for each shift partition intersecting the staff assignment start and end time. The assignment information includes the skill (if applicable), staff name, assignment start and end time, and the communication device assignment, if applicable.

As you make assignments, both tables update to display the new information.

More Information about Assigning Staff to Departments

You can click the Print icon for a printable view of the Summary by Profile or Summary by Staff tab.

If you have one or more profiles defined, the first row in the Profiles table is the All Profiles row. When you assign staff All Profiles, the application automatically assigns the caregiver to each defined profile. You can use this as a shortcut when assigning staff to all profiles. For example, assume that the Nursing Administration profile selected every inpatient nursing unit for assignment in Department Assignment Settings. When someone in Nursing Administration then assigns people to All Profiles in the Assign Staff window, they are then assigned to each inpatient nursing unit.

You define which profiles are displayed in the Profile table with the Department Assign Settings page. Staff Manager automatically adds the selected Profile to the Profile table.

You can set how the application displays caregiver names and whether it displays caregivers' genders using the Facility Settings Patient and Caregiver Identifiers tab.

You can sort each column in the Staff and Profile tables by clicking the column headings. How the table sorts names depends on your Patient and Caregiver Identifier configuration.

If your organization is configured with CareAware iBus with Device Services, you can assign devices to the assigned caregivers by clicking Devices before leaving the Department Assign page. See Assigning Devices for more information.

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