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Configuring Department Assign

The Assignment Manager Department Assign feature supports assignment of any personnel to a department, such as respiratory therapists covering ICU, nursing supervisor covering all departments, or a chaplain on duty. Department Assign also supports communication device assignment and messaging for personnel in facilities with the optional iBus with Device Services enabled.

The optional Demand Manager application and Registration interface are prerequisites for running Department Assign.

You must belong to a security group with Assignment Manager Configuration permissions in order to configure Department Assign. Security group permissions are set in Staff Manager Administrator.

Complete the following steps to configure Department Assign:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Department Assign. This opens the Department Assign Settings page.
  2. From the Facility menu, select a facility, if applicable.
  3. From the Profile menu, select a profile.
  4. From the Enable Department Assign menu, select one of the following three options.
    1. If you select Assign, users in your selected facility and profile can use the Department Assign feature and the other options on the Department Assign Settings page become available for editing. Select Assign to assign communication devices to staff or to assign staff one or more profiles.
    2. If you select View, users in your selected facility and profile can view Department Assign pages, but cannot change them. In addition, the other options on the Department Assign Settings page will not be available for editing. Select View if the profile will not assign scheduled staff devices or to other profiles but would like to see a list of staff from other departments assigned to the profile.
    3. If you select None, users in your selected facility and profile cannot view Department Assign pages or change them. In addition, the other options on the Department Assign Settings page are unavailable for editing.
  5. Enter the number of hours to determine continuity of care. The value must be a number from 0 to 168. This option is part of the Assign for Continuity feature. If you enter 48, Staff Manager auto-assigns those caregivers most recently assigned to the department within the last 48 hours. The default value is 72 hours.
  6. Select a Shift Category from the menu. This selection sets the shift category that is used in Patient Assign and Department Assign for the profile. The same shift category must be used in each feature; changes made here change the shift category configured for the profile in Patient Assign. The application warns you of this when you select a Shift Category with the following alert message: This profile is configured for Patient Assign and Department Assign. This selection sets the shift category for both features; a change here affects both features. The application cannot change the Shift Category for days that already have saved assignments. Your changed Shift Category displays in the Shift Partition menu on the next date that has no saved assignments.
  1. Select the Facilities and Profiles to assign staff to. The profile being configured is unavailable to be selected in the Facilities and Profile table. Staff Manager automatically adds the profile to the Profile table on the Add Department Assignments window in Department Assignment.
    1. In the Available Facilities/Profiles pane, select the profiles you want by expanding the desired facility and selecting the check box beside the desired profile or profiles. You can click the Expand icon to show all profiles listed by Facility, or click the Collapse icon to hide all profiles.
    2. Click Add. This moves the selected profile from the Available Facilities/Profiles pane to the Selected Facilities/Profiles pane. To remove a profile from the, select the check box in the Selected Facilities/Profiles pane and click Remove.
  2. Click Save. An alert box opens displaying the message Are you sure you wish to save these changes?
  3. Click OK.

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