You are here: Assignment Manager for General Users > Understanding Device Services and Sending Messages > Assigning Devices to Staff from the Patient Assign Page

Assigning Devices to Staff from the Patient Assign Page

Complete the following steps to assign devices to staff from the Patient Assign page:

  1. From the Assignment Manager menu, select Patient Assign. This opens the Patient Assign page with the summary by staff view active.
  2. By default, the page displays the personnel scheduled for the current date and shift category partition in the profile you last updated. To change to a different date, profile, or shift category partition, follow these steps.
    1. Enter a date in the Date box or use the Calendar tool.
    2. Select a profile from the Profile menu.
    3. Select a Shift Category Partition from the Shift Partition menu.
    4. Click Go. This updates the page to display the data for the Shift Category Partition you selected.
  3. In the Assign section of the toolbar, click Devices. This changes the page view from summary by staff to the add device assignments view. The Available Caregivers table is on the left. The Available Communication Devices Table is on the right, and above it are the Save and Reset buttons.
  4. You can sort the Available Caregivers table using the Sort menu above it. The following sort options are available:
  5. You can click the Expand All button to display all caregiver assignments or click the Collapse All button to hide assignments and display caregivers only.
  6. The Available Communication Device table updates to show the devices available on the CareAware iBus to be assigned to caregivers in your selected Profile. Select a device from the Available Communication Devices table on the right, drag it to the Available Caregivers table on the left, and drop the device on the desired staff. Both tables update to show the new information.
    1. In the Available Caregivers table, the device is displayed under the caregiver's name.
    2. In the Available Devices table, the device row darkens when the device is assigned to one or more caregivers for the duration of the shift. Position your pointer over the Name/Number column to see the caregiver name or names and the start and end time of the device assignment. The device assignment start and end time the tooltip displays is based on the caregiver's coverage time. For example, if the caregiver is assigned a device in the current shift 0700-1500, and the caregiver's coverage time is 0700-1900, the device assign start time are 0700 and the end are 1900.
  7. If you want, you can make the device assignment permanent by selecting the P check box in the device row under the caregiver's name. This means that this caregiver will always have the selected device. The Available Devices table now displays a red X at the end of the device row. Position your pointer over the Name/Number column to see the caregiver associated with the permanent device assignment. You can click the red X to remove the permanent device assignment from the caregiver.
  8. When you have completed assigning devices, click Save to save your changes or Reset to return the page to its last saved state.

Note: Some clients use Assignment Manager to assign all devices to providers. Other clients use a different solution. The Load Only Devices for Providers in Partition flag is for this second set of clients. If your organization only uses Assignment Manager to assign devices, and the Load Only Devices for Providers in Partition flag has been enabled, you may see overlapping assignment errors. You should contact your Cerner Consultant or Client Advocate if you think this flag has been set incorrectly for your organization. See About the Load Only Devices for Providers in Partition Flag for more information.

More Information about Assigning Devices to Staff from the Patient Assign Page

You can assign devices such as cell phones and pagers to your staff using the Assignment Manager Device Assign feature. To assign devices, your configuration must meet the following conditions:

Once you have assigned staff to devices, you can send them messages through the Assignment Manager desktop to device messaging feature.

During installation, your Cerner Clairvia Clinical Consultant sets the list of devices that the Available Device grid displays. By default, the grid only displays devices associated with your selected Profile on the CareAware iBus and devices assigned to caregivers scheduled to work in the Profile during the shift category partition being viewed. The setting can be changed so that the system displays all devices associated with the select Profile on CareAware iBus, plus all devices that are not associated with any Profile on the CareAware iBus. Contact your Cerner Clairvia Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate if you want this setting changed.

The list of Available Communication Devices is the same for a profile configured for Department Assign and Patient Assign. Device assignments saved in Patient Assign display as shaded in the Available Communication Devices table in Department Assign, and vice versa.

Important: You can only assign a device to one caregiver during a shift partition. If the device is assigned to a caregiver for any portion of a shift (even if it is just for a minute), you cannot assign the device to another caregiver until you remove the assignment from the first caregiver. This is true even if the assignments do not overlap. For example, assume Device 1234 is assigned to Caregiver A until 1000. Caregiver B works from 1100 to 2300. If you are making device assignments for the 0700 -1900 shift category partition, you cannot Assign Device 1234 to Caregiver B without first removing the device assignment from Caregiver A.

No ID Match Flag

If your organization is configured to use CareAware iBus to maintain personnel externally on the iBus, Assignment Manager checks that the caregivers in its database match the caregiver data on iBus. If no match is found, the page displays a red flag next to the caregiver's name. Positioning your pointer over the flag displays the message No ID match for caregiver. You cannot assign devices to a flagged caregiver.

If you see the No ID match flag, you should contact your System Administrator.

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