Viewing Your Request Details
You view request details by selecting a request on the My Requests page. The request's data then displays in the Request Details pane in the lower-left corner of the page. Note that you can only review details for one request at a time; if you select more than one request, the Request Details pane displays the message Request Details are not displayed when two or more requests are selected.
You can always see the details for your requests. Depending on how your organization configured Staff Manager, you may also be able to view request details for other employees. You can see request details in all four My Request views:
- Calendar by Task (default view)
- Calendar by Employee
- Weekly by Task
- Weekly by Employee
The Request Details pane displays the following information. Note that some information is optional, so you may see nothing under one or more of these categories.
- Status: Approved, Pending, Wait Listed, or Denied
- Note to Scheduler: Note to scheduler entered by the employee
- Note from Scheduler: Note to employee entered by the scheduler
- Employee: Name of the employee making the request
- Date Submitted: Date the employee entered the request
- Start Date: The date request begins
- End Date: The date the request ends; this may or may not be the same as the Start Date
- Assignment: Name of the assignment the task falls under
- Task: Name of the task
- Skill: Name of the skill required for the task; if there is no assigned skill, this reads Skill: Default.
- Action: Either Request (to be assigned) or Block (not to be assigned)
- Processed Date: Date the administrator or scheduler processed the request
- Processed By: Name of the administrator who processed the request
- Recurrence: If this is a recurring request, the type of recurrence displays here, such as Weekly or Monthly
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