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Viewing Schedules

You can see daily, weekly, and monthly views of your assignments by using the Schedule menu. You may need to scroll to view all your assignments. On the weekly and monthly schedule pages, you can click links in the green View bar to move between Task View, Employee View, and List View. Each view presents the same schedule data in a different format.

The Filter list lets you apply filters to your schedule data. See Using Filters for more information.

See Changing Dates for more information on selecting dates on the Schedule pages.

Using the Daily Schedule View

There are three ways to open the daily schedule view.

Option 1: From the Schedule menu, select My Schedule > Daily Schedule. This opens the Daily Schedule page.

Option 2: Click a date/task cell on the Weekly Schedule page when in Employee View.

Option 3: Click a date/task cell on the Weekly Schedule page when in Task View.

If you are not scheduled to work that day, the page reads There is no schedule data to display.

If you have been assigned to an alternate profile other than your home or primary profile, the Profile column displays the float profile name.

Optional Daily Schedule Views

Managers can decide whether you can view other schedules or just your own. When you can view other schedules, the Daily Schedule page displays the other people scheduled that day.

Using the Weekly Schedule View

There are two ways to open the Weekly Schedule view.

Option 1: From the Schedule menu, select My Schedule > Weekly Schedule. This opens the Weekly Schedule page.

Option 2: Click a week while viewing the Monthly Schedule page.

Once you open the weekly schedule view, you can see your weekly schedule. You may need to scroll to view all your assignments.

The Weekly Schedule Views

The green View bar has three links you can click to see the same data presented in different ways.

When the weekly schedule is in Employee view, Clairvia Web lists changes to task start and end times in brackets (<>) after the task: 7am-3p.m. RN <0700-1330>.

When the schedule is in Weekly by Task view, the list displays only those tasks you have worked or are eligible to work. You can see definitions of your task abbreviations by clicking Show Definitions. This view also marks when pay periods begin with a bright green line.

There are three optional weekly schedule functions. These functions may not be available, depending on how your organization has configured the application.

The Show Opportunities and Show Shift Swap options are mutually exclusive: checking one box automatically clears the other.

Note: Your Cerner Clairvia Clinical Consultant may have enabled a configuration setting that controls how employee names are displayed in the Web. If so, you will see employee abbreviations instead of names in areas of Clairvia Web such as messages, shift swap invitations, schedule pages, reports, and so on. If you need to have this setting changed, contact your Cerner Clairvia Client Advocate or Clinical Consultant.

Using the Monthly Schedule View

To open the Monthly Schedule page, from the Schedule menu, select My Schedule > Monthly Schedule. To move from one month to another, click the month link to open the date menu.

The Monthly Schedule page displays the schedule for your home profile. It also displays float schedule data if you can float to another profile. If you are not assigned to work during the month, the page displays an empty calendar grid.

The page displays changes to task start and end times in brackets (<>) after your employee abbreviation and task; for example, JDOE: 7am-3p.m. RN <0700-1330>.

There are two optional monthly schedule functions. These functions may not be available, depending on how your organization has configured the application.

To open a weekly view for any date in the monthly view, click its date link.

Using the View by Profile

If you have secondary jobs in, or can float to, other profiles, you can view those profile schedules with the View by Profile page. To view float profiles, however, the float profile must be configured to allow float employees to view the full schedule.

When you open the View by Profile page for the first time, the page displays the schedule for everyone in your primary profile, with schedule data sorted by shift start time. To change the profile, select a new profile from the Profile menu. Your name and scheduled tasks are displayed in blue text; information for all other employees is displayed in black text. Selecting Show Only My Schedule in the Options menu hides the schedule information for other employees.

To open the View by Profile page, from to the Schedule menu, select My Schedule > View by Profile. Select the profile to view from the Profile menu.

The default view displays the schedule for the next five weeks. To change the date, click the month link to open the date menu.

The View by Profile page is cross-browser compatible.

Printing a Schedule

  1. Open the daily, weekly, or monthly schedule page as described in the preceding sections.
  2. Click Printable View . The schedule, formatted for easy printing, opens in new browser window or tab, depending on which browser you are using.
  3. Click the browser Print button, or from the browser File menu, select Print.

To print the View by Profile page:

  1. Open the page as described in the preceding section Using the View by Profile.
  2. Click the Printable View icon . This opens the schedule as an Adobe PDF file.
  3. Click the Adobe Print icon , or click CTRL+P.

Viewing Related Assignment Information

Depending on how managers configure Clairvia Web, you may see a link below the Printable View button on the weekly and monthly schedule pages. The default text for the link is Assignment Information, but managers can customize this link text for their organizations.

Clicking the link opens a pop-up window with any contact information and user-defined fields for the assignments. Managers enter this data in Staff Manager Client using the Assignments tab of the Assignments dialog box.

What You Should Do If You Cannot See Your Schedule

For a schedule to show in Clairvia Web, its dates must fall within the range set in the Staff Manager Client Schedule Publishing dialog box. Data outside the publish range is not displayed in Clairvia Web. If you do not see your expected schedule, first check that an active filter is not affecting you schedule view. If there is no active filter and you still cannot see your schedule, you should contact your scheduler.

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