If your organization uses the Employee Hyperlink feature, you are able to take additional actions on the Weekly Schedule page in Task view. Depending on how each employee's hyperlink is configured, clicking the link can:
To use Employee Hyperlink, you must have defined the Employee Hyperlink User Defined Category and Field and added a value for the field for each employee that has an associated link. You complete these steps in Staff Manager Client:
To select a hyperlink, place your pointer over the link until it turns orange and click. This initiates the associated action. The following illustration shows a selected employee hyperlink.
Employee hyperlinks are only available on the My Schedule Weekly Schedule page. They are unavailable on the Administer Weekly Schedule page.
There are two ways to open the Weekly Schedule view.
Your employee abbreviation always displays in italic text, such as JDOE-RN. If there is no hyperlink attached, your abbreviation is displayed in black text. If there is a hyperlink associated with your abbreviation, it is underlined and color-coded. Blue means you are scheduled in one of your home profiles. Green means you are floating out to another profile; the name of the profile is displayed below the task in parentheses ().
No employee hyperlink: YourAbbreviation
Hyperlink and scheduled in home profile: YourAbbreviation
Hyperlink and floating out to another profile: YourAbbreviation (Other Profile Name)
All other employee abbreviations are displayed in normal text (that is, not in italic or bold text). If there is no hyperlink attached, abbreviations are displayed in black text. If there is a hyperlink associated with an abbreviation, it is underlined and color-coded. Blue means the employee is a member of your home profile. Green means the employee is floating out to another profile; the name of the profile displays below the task in parentheses (). Red means the employee is floating in to your home profile; the name of the employee's home profile displays below the task in parentheses ().
No employee hyperlink: Abbreviation
Hyperlink and a member of your home profile: Abbreviation
Hyperlink and floating out to another profile: Abbreviation (Other Profile Name)
Hyperlink and floating into your profile: Abbreviation
Schedulers add Assignment notes in the Staff Manager Client Schedule Editor. On the Weekly Schedule page, employees with assignment notes are highlighted with a yellow background.
How you see assignments notes depends on your organization's configuration. You may see notes:
When an abbreviation also has an employee hyperlink, the hyperlink turns orange when your pointer is over it. This is normal and does not interfere with you reading the assignment note. The following illustration gives an example of this along with other employee hyperlink displays.
Diane Welsh is reviewing her Weekly Schedule page and sees the following entries for March 12.