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Understanding the ADT Functions Window

The ADT Functions window has two sections: the patient information table and the manual event entry section.

The table displays the following data about the patient:

The table also displays the following data on ADT events. You should note that the table does not list all ADT events, just those related to location changes received in admission, transfer, and discharge messages. For a complete list of a patient’s ADT messages, you should go to the Administer ADT Transactions page.

The event entry section contains the following information. The application inserts the appropriate data where available; you complete the remaining boxes to create a manual event.

  • Event
  • Effective Date
  • Facility
  • Profile
  • Location
  • Room
  • Bed
  • Patient Encounter Number
  • Medical Record Number
  • Patient First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Suffix

The Save Event button saves your new event information; the button only becomes available after you have made a change. Clicking the Refresh button updates the window’s current data. Clicking the Close button closes the window and returns you to the previous page.

About the Ignored Event Status

The Mapping Service works behind the scenes to process and classify ADT events. You can see the results of the Mapping Service in the Status column of the ADT Functions window. The preceding section described the Processed, Processing, Pending, and Error status values, while this section describes the Ignored status in more detail.

Your organization can set the Mapping Service to process all events individually or to ignore some patient events if those events are extra or supplemental. Ignoring supplemental events lets the Mapping Service work faster. The setting that tells the Mapping Service whether it should process all events or ignore some is the Ignore Supplemental Events setting.

The following HL7 ADT Events may get ignored:

The Ignore Supplemental Event setting works as follows:


Assume the Mapping Service received three Pending Discharge (A16) events for patient John Doe. The first A16 event arrived at 17:01, the second at 17:02, and the third at 17:06, making it the most recent event. The Mapping Service processes the event that arrived at 17:06 and gives it the status Processed. The Mapping Service marks the other two events as Ignored and does not process them. Users see all three events on the ADT Functions window with the 17:06 event marked as Processed and the 17:01 and 17:02 events marked as Ignored.

Assume the Mapping Service received three events for patient John Doe:

The Mapping Service processes the event that arrived at 09:33 and gives it the status Processed. The Mapping Service marks the other two events as Ignored and does not process them. Users see all three events on the ADT Functions window with the 09:33 event marked as Processed and the 09:31 and 09:32 events marked as Ignored.

Table of HL7 ADT Events

Event Description Priority
A01 Admit a Patient High
A02 Transfer a Patient High
A03 Discharge a Patient High
A04 Register Outpatient High
A06 Transfer an Outpatient to an Inpatient High
A07 Transfer an Inpatient to an Outpatient High
A08 Update Patient Information Low
A12 Cancel Transfer High
A13 Cancel Discharge High
A16 Pending Discharge Low
A18 Merge Patient Information High
A35 Merge Patient Information (account number only) High
A36 Merge Patient Information (Patient ID and account number) High

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