Managing Patient ADT Events with the Administer ADT Transactions Page
If a patient is missing from a patient list, or is displayed in a patient list unexpectedly, you can search for the patients and view processed and unprocessed patient ADT messages using the Administer ADT Transactions page. Only members of the Enterprise Admins security group can use the Administer ADT Transactions page.
The ADT Status Indicator on this page displays the last date and time Demand Manager received and updated patient messages from the ADT interface; it also tells you whether Demand Manager is receiving and updating messages within the specified periods. You can view the Status Indicator on the HL7 Census page.
Complete the following steps to find a patient or patients:
- From the Tools menu, select Administer ADT Transactions.
- Select the number to search by: Encounter Number or Medical Record Number.
- Enter the number in the box.
- Click Add. This moves the number into the Selected Numbers box.
- If searching for more than one patient, repeat steps 3 and 4 for each patient.
- Click Search.
If the number is not in the application, Clairvia Web alerts you with the message Not Found. If the number is in the application, the page returns the following facts about the patient or patients.
- Patient Encounter Number
- Medical Record Number
- Patient Name: Listed in Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial format, including suffixes such as Jr. or Sr.
- Admission Date/Time: The date and time the patient was admitted.
- Discharge Date/Time: The date and time the patient was discharged, if applicable.
- Recurring: Is the patient a recurring patient, such as a chemotherapy patient? This column displays a Y for yes and an N for no.
- Link to the patient’s ADT Function window: The ADT Functions window lists more details about location change events. It is also the page where you enter manual ADT events. See Understanding the ADT Functions Window for more information.
Clicking on the plus sign (+) by the Patient Encounter Number displays the following information for the selected patient.
- HL7 Event Type: The HL7 event code
- HL7 Event Type Description: What the event was; examples include Update Patient Info and Transfer Inpatient
- Effective Date: The date and time of the HL7 event
- Received Date: The date and time Demand Manager received the event from the HL7 interface.
- Processed Date: The date and time Demand Manager processed the HL7 event.
- Status: The status of the HL7 event. Status values include the following:
- Processed: Demand Manager has processed the event. You can see the effects of the event in Demand Manager.
- Processing: Demand Manager is currently processing the event.
- Pending: The event was received through the interface, but Demand Manager has not yet begun processing it.
- Ignored: The interface has ignored the event per the ADT settings for your organization. See About the Ignored Event Status section of Understanding the ADT Functions Window for more information.
- Error: Demand Manager could not process the event. You will not see the effects of the event in Demand Manager. You may click on the Error link to see a description of the error reason; however, the error link only displays for patients admitted after an organization has upgraded to Demand Manager version
- Unit: The patient's most recent assigned profile and location in Demand Manager
- Room: The patient's most recent assigned room in Demand Manager
- Bed: The patient's most recent assigned bed in Demand Manager
- Service: The patient’s most recent assigned hospital service in Demand Manager
Finding the Patient's Encounter Number or Medical Record Number
If you do not know the encounter number or medical record number for the patient you are looking for, you can:
About Error Messages
If you see the words Pattern Error beside an ADT event entry, this means that Demand Manager has found a problem in the patient's ADT data. You cannot select or edit any patients with pattern errors. You should contact Cerner Clairvia Support to identify and correct the issue.
If a pending event arrives from the registration or ADT import while you are creating a manual ADT event, the application displays the error message Cannot Insert Event because event queue has been changed.
About the Interface Manager
Interface Manager is a utility used to check interface activity and search patient clinical documentation received via flat file or Registration Import. Administrators interested in this tool should contact their Cerner Corporation Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.
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