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Understanding Patient Assign Alert Messages

Patient Assign alerts warn you of possible assignment issues. This helps you ensure all patient, relief, devices, and duty assignments are complete and accurate. Alerts also help you assign the proper amount of care to patients throughout a shift partition. You can configure whether select Patient Assign and Relief Assign alerts display using the Display Alerts option on the Patient Assign Settings page.

See Understanding Assignment Manager Messages for information about other Assignment Manager messages.

You can set how caregiver and patient names are displayed in Patient Assign alert messages. You can also set which patient identifiers are displayed and how, such as whether they appear on the page, when you hover over a patient's name, or both. See Configuring Facility Settings: The Patient and Caregiver Identifiers Tab for more information.

Caregiver Alerts

Caregiver alerts warn you when there are changes to a caregiver’s schedule, changes to a caregiver's assigned care hours, or if there are problems with the caregiver's assignments.

You should review all previously saved caregiver assignments in Assignment Manager after making schedule changes in Staff Manager Client to determine whether you need to make adjustments. This includes reviewing:

Patient Alerts

Patient alerts tell you when there are changes to the number of patients, the assignment status of patients, or both. Assignment Manager alerts you:

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