You are here: Assignment Manager for General Users > Patient Assign Overview > Finding Caregivers in Patient Assign

Finding Caregivers in Patient Assign

Sometimes agency or float employees are available to be assigned to patients, but if they are not scheduled to your selected profile, the Patient Assign page assignment view does not display them. In such cases, you can use the Find Caregiver feature to find and assign caregivers. You must know the caregiver's last name to use the Find Caregiver feature.

Complete the following steps to find caregivers in Patient Assign:

  1. From the Assignment Manager menu, select Patient Assign. This opens the Patient Assign page with the Summary by Patient view active.
  2. Review the Date, Profile, and Shift Partition information at the top of the page. If any changes are needed, make them and click Go before proceeding to the next step.
  3. In the Assign section of the toolbar, click Patients. The page refreshes to display the Assign Patients view
  4. Click Find Caregiver. This opens the Find Caregiver window.
  5. Select a Find In option:
    1. This Facility looks for the caregiver in facility associated with the selected profile.
    2. All Facilities looks for the caregiver in all the configured profiles of the facilities included within the currently selected database.
  6. Enter all or part of the caregiver's last name in the box.
  7. Click Find. The window refreshes to display all available employees whose names begin with the letters you entered. The window also displays their skills, last names, first names, abbreviations, facilities, home profiles, start times, and end times. If no caregivers match your search criteria, the window is blank. In such cases, you can select Show Caregivers from Previous Partition. This updates the window to show any caregiver from the previous partition who matches your criteria. You can then select the employee to have them stay a few hours to help cover patient demand without going through Schedule Editor. Note that caregivers must be scheduled to work a task that shows in Patient Assign to be found and added to the list of caregivers that can be assigned.
  8. Select the row containing the caregiver you want to add to this shift partition.
  1. Click OK to save your selection and return to the Assign Patient view. The view now displays your selected caregiver or caregivers.
  2. If you want to, you can edit the selected caregiver's Start and End time.
  3. Continue to edit patient assignments.

Important: To ensure correct schedule reporting, you must also update the employee's schedule in Staff Manager Client to show the changes made.

When you have found a caregiver and added them to the Assignment view, Assignment Manager adds a red X to the end of their row in the Caregivers table. You can click the red X to remove the caregiver from the menu. If patients have already been assigned to that caregiver, Assignment Manager removes the patient assignment and updates the patient's status to Unassigned or Partially Assigned, as applicable.

Finding Caregivers and Assignment Reconciliation

If your organization uses Assignment Reconciliation, you may see the following situation occur:

This situation happens when the employee’s schedule was not updated and reconciled within the defined threshold.

See Understanding Assignment Reconciliation Threshold Minutes for more information.

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