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The Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report

Note: This report requires the optional Demand Manager application, the Outcomes-Driven Acuity application, or both. Contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate for more information about obtaining these optional applications.

The Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity report displays (by profile, shift category, and global skill) those employees scheduled for the selected date. It also displays the demand target hours for global skills defined for Demand, Patient Events, or both, as calculated by Demand Manager, and the variance between them and the schedule data generated and edited in the Staff Manager Client Schedule Editor. Clairvia Web saves the parameters you select while running this report by user login once you click Run Report.

The source of the target staffing hours the report uses in its calculations depends on the reporting period you select.

Running the Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report

When using a filter to view reports, the Filter menu displays the filter name.

The use of locations in this report requires that one or more tasks be set up as location-specific in Staff Manager Client using the Assignment Info dialog box.

Complete the following steps to run the Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Schedule > Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity. This opens the selection criteria page.
  2. Select one or more Profiles. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items. If you are logged in as an administrator, you can select from all the profiles in the database. If you are logged in as an employee who manages profiles, you can only select those profiles to which you have access.
  3. Select one or more Locations. As you select profiles, the page automatically updates the Locations menu with the profile locations. If you do not select any locations, the report runs by profile only without location break-outs. When you do select locations, the report breaks out locations for your profile only.
  4. Select a Shift Category. Since each report uses only one shift category, Clairvia Web does not allow you to select multiple items for this option. In addition, if you select multiple profiles or locations, but the shift categories for the selections have identical values, the menu only displays one shift category.
  5. Select one or more Shift Category Partitions with Spill-Over.
  6. Select one or more Global Skills.
  7. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.

  8. Enter an end date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu. If you want to run the report for one day, enter the same date you entered in the Start Date box.
  9. Select a Display Employee's option. The report can display the employee's Abbreviation or Name.
  10. Select a Report By option. The report can display data by Hours or FTEs.
  11. Select a Print Coverage option. If you select Yes, the coverage grid prints; if you select No, the grid does not print.
  12. Select a Show Utilization option. If you select Yes, the report displays percent utilization; if you select No, the report does not show utilization. Percent utilization equals Target Hours or FTEs divided by Actual (Scheduled) Hours or FTEs. This option is only available if you select to Print Coverage.
  13. Enter the number of Write-in Lines. These lines print at the bottom of the report. You can use them for note-taking, recording data, or any other purpose. If you do not want any write-in lines, 0 (zero) in the box.
  14. Select an Output Format.
  15. Select a Print Assignment Notes option. If you select Yes, the report prints all Client assignment notes for the dates and employees you included in the report. The report can print notes of up to 512 characters, with the assignment note information wrapping correctly as long as no one word in the note exceeds 50 characters. If you select No, no notes print.
  16. Select an Include User Defined Field (if not blank) option. If you select Yes, the report prints all non-blank user-defined fields (UDFs) associated with staffing reports in the client_rules table. If you select No, no UDFs print.
  17. Select a Print Profile Notes option. If you select Yes, the report prints any available profile not under the profile name. If you select No, no notes print.
  18. If your organization has the optional Assignment Manager application installed, the following three options are available.
    1. Select a Print Patient Assignments option. If you select Yes, the report prints any patient assignments made in the selected profile or profiles for the selected date or dates. If you select No, no patient assignments print.
    2. Select a Display Patients By option (only available if you chose to print patient assignments). You can select to identify patients by Room/Bed only or by Room/Bed/Patient Name.
    3. Select a Page Break After Partitions with Patient Assignments option (only available if you chose to print patient assignments). Selecting Yes starts a new page after a partition with patient assignments. Selecting No continues printing the next partition on the same page.
  19. Click Run Report.

To clear all entered choices from the Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity: Selection Criteria page, click Clear Form at the bottom of the page. To print the report, see Printing Reports.

Viewing the Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report

This report displays (by profile, shift category partition, and global skill) the employees assigned for the selected date.

Depending on your selections on the selection criteria page, the report contains the following information:

Default Skills and Unassigned Skills

Sometimes you see the values Default and Unassigned in the Global Skill column. Default is the value Staff Manager applies to non-skill-based tasks, such as Education, Sick, and Vacation. Unassigned is the value Staff Manager applies to profile skills that have not been mapped to a global skill.

Notes on Sorting

The Daily Staffing Board for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report sorts data in the following order:

  1. Profile
  2. Global Skill in Skill Display order
  3. Start Time (employee scheduled coverage start time)
  4. Task Abbreviation
  5. Employee Last Name or Abbrev, depending on what you selected to display in the report

This groups employees together by the time their shift started, then lists all employees scheduled for the same task. Float-ins are not treated differently and are sorted within these same specifications.

Sample Report

The report without patient assignment information displays as follows:

  1. Profile Note
  2. Unassigned Location table (if your selected tasks were not assigned at the location level)
  3. Event Summary Row
  4. Summary Tables: Total staffing data for your selected table by locations.
  5. Acuity targets marked by E indicate the effect of Other patient events.
  6. Acuity targets marked by m indicate the effect of staffing minimums
  7. Location 1 Staffing Table: Includes location-based tasks only.
  8. Assignment Note
  9. Location 1 Summary Table.
  10. Location 2 Staffing Table
  11. Float-in Profile
  12. Location 2 Summary Table

If you included patient assignment information, it is listed in the Comments/Assignment Notes column of the location staffing table.

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