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Understanding Other Patient Event Management

Demand Manager and Outcomes-Driven Acuity calculate and predict workload based on admission, discharge, and transfer events (ADT) and the individual health of each patient. There are times, however, when you need to override the demand workload to more accurately reflect target staffing based on other patient events.

For example, assume the target staffing for 20 patients calls for 5 RNs and 2 UAPs. Each RN cares for four patients; each UAP cares for ten patients. One of the patients is at extremely high risk for a fall, so it is determined that the patient needs 1:1 observation by a UAP for the duration of their hospital stay. To reflect the 1:1 need for this patient you need to create an Other patient event to provide the correct target staffing for the unit. This is what Event Management allows you to do.

In Clairvia Web, the Patient Event History tab deals with all events, ADT and other. The Event Management tab deals with other patient events only.

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