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Configuring the Employee View

Each profile has a configuration setting for the Employee Dashboard that is used for all employees within the profile. The administrator edits that configuration.

Be aware that Employee is the default Clairvia Web label. If a manager changes the Employee label using the Global Settings page, the new label is displayed throughout Clairvia Web. For example, changing the Employee label to Partner changes the Employee View command to Partner View and the Employee Dashboard page to Partner Dashboard. The label setting also affects all the configuration options listed in this topic.

To configure the Employee Dashboard:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Employee View. This opens the Employee View page.
  2. At the top of the page, select a profile from the menu.
  3. Complete the configuration options. These options are explained in further detail below.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Configuration Options Explained

For each of the following options, select the check box to turn the option on and deselect the box to turn it off.

  1. Show employee monthly calendar. This option displays the employee's schedule on the left side of the Dashboard. If you turn this option off, employees see a blank square instead.
  2. Show employee alerts (expiration warnings). If the employee has any competencies that expiring within the period defined in the next option (Competency Expirations Warnings), this option lists them on the right side of the Dashboard.
  3. Include Competency Expirations Warnings for the next [number of] days. This option enables you to set the number of days for a warning to be displayed before the competency expiration date. For example, if you enter the number 30, expiration alerts are displayed on the Dashboard 30 days before their expiration date.
  4. Show employee pending requests. This option enables employees to see any pending requests they have on the right side of the Dashboard.
  5. Show Employee Schedule Only. This option enables employees to see their own schedules only. If you turn this option off, employees can see all other employees scheduled. The Show Employee Schedule Only option is incompatible with the Shift Swap function. Organizations using Shift Swap should leave this option turned off.
  6. Allow Float Employees to View Schedule. This option enables employees from other profiles who can float into your selected profile to see the full profile schedule when they use the View by Profile schedule page.
  7. Show Message Center. This option enables messages sent from Clairvia Web to be displayed on the Employee Dashboard. If you turn this option off, the messaging function between employees is unavailable.
  8. Show Accrual Balances. This option enables employees to see their accrual balances on the left side of the Dashboard. See Enabling Accrual Balances for more information.
    1. To show employees the date used to determine accrual balances, select Include the following date information and the desired date: Hire Date, Adjusted Date, or Seniority Date. The page then displays the selected date at the top of the employees' My Accruals section. If you do not want this information showing, deselect the Include a Date with Balances check box.
  9. Show Float Employees. This option enables float employees to be displayed on the schedule windows for the employee's profile.
  10. Show Opportunities. If you select this box, the Schedule page displays opportunities and employees can select whether to view opportunities on the Schedule pages. If you deselect this box, no one in the profile can see opportunities on their Schedule pages.
  11. Display Employee Assignment Notes Option. This option controls whether employees see assignment notes in Clairvia Web and, if you are using Email Notifications, in email notification messages to employees. If the Calendar Sync feature is enabled and the employee elects to subscribe to their URL, this option also controls whether Assignment Notes are delivered via the iCalendar Feed. Click the button beside the option you want.
    1. Show Assignment Notes for Employee Only displays only those assignment notes connected with the employee.
    2. Show Assignment Notes for All Employees displays all assignment notes. If you select this option, employees see all Assignment Notes in Clairvia Web, but they only see their own assignment notes in email notifications and their calendar feed.
    3. Do not show Assignment Notes prevents the display of assignment notes in Clairvia Web, email notification messages, and the iCalendar feed.
  12. Show Assignment Notes in Schedule As: Click the button beside the desired option.
    1. Hover Only: Assignment notes only display if users select the marked schedule cell. Items with attached assignment notes are displayed with a pale yellow highlight in the schedule grid.
    2. Full Note in grid only: The cell displays the full text of the assignment note.
    3. Full Note in hover with Note in grid limited to [number of] characters: The text of the note displays up to the number of characters you select.
  13. Select Spacing Between Employees/Tasks in Weekly View. Click the button beside the option you want.
    1. No spacing displays employees and tasks without spaces between lines.
    2. Single space puts a single blank line between each employee and task.
    3. Double space puts two blank lines between each employee and task.
    4. Single space only after note/float adds a blank line between an employee and a task only if there is an assignment note or float involved.
    5. Double space only after note/float adds two blank lines between employees and tasks only if there is an assignment note or float involved.
  14. Disable Filter Setup: Selecting this check box prevents employees from creating their own filters. Managers might select this option after creating standard filters for each employee login account or new employees. Managers are still able to create and edit filters.
    1. Disable (none) option in Filter selection: Selecting this check box prevents employees from selecting (none) from the Filter list. If no filters exist for the employee, (none) is available by default. Once a filter is created, the (none) option is no longer available. This option is unavailable unless you select the Disable Filter Setup option.

More Information about Configuring Calendar Sync and Email Notifications

See the uCern Wiki page Calendar Sync and Email Notification Setup Guide for Clients for more information about configuring Calendar Sync and Email Notifications.

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