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Configuring Global Settings

The Global Settings page sets select default settings for all users. Only Enterprise Admin users can configure global settings.

Complete the following steps to configure global settings:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Global Settings. This opens the Global Settings Configuration page.
  2. Make a selection from the Default Shift Category to use for Coverage calcs menu. This defines which shift category Clairvia Web uses to calculate coverage.
  3. In the Client/Facility Name box, enter the name of your facility.
  4. In the List Cache Timeout box, enter a value in minutes. This value sets the amount of time the system holds data in memory before automatically refreshing itself by retrieving new data from the database.
  5. In the Coverage Cache Timeout box, enter value in minutes. This value sets the amount of time the system holds the coverage values in the memory before it does an automatic recalculation of the hours.
  6. In the Under Threshold Value for Enterprise Staffing (FTEs), enter the difference between scheduled staff and target staff in FTEs that represent the profile being understaffed.
  7. In the Over Threshold Value for Enterprise Staffing (FTEs), enter the difference between scheduled staff and target staff in FTEs that represent the profile being overstaffed.
  8. In the Display Staffing Alerts in Staff View Section for the Next [value] Days box, enter a value in days. For example, if you enter 30, the Staff View section displays all staffing alerts in the next 30 days.
  9. In the Display License Expiration Alerts for the Next [value] Days box, enter a value in days. For example, if you enter 60, the Expiration Alerts section displays all license expiration alerts for the next 60 days.
  10. In the Request Entry/Edit Window (Days Into Future) box, enter a value in days. For example, if you enter 30, employees can enter and edit requests up to 30 days into the future.
  11. If you want to use Clairvia Web to send email messages to employees, in the SMTP Server box, enter the name of your SMTP server.
  12. Optional: Configure the Calendar Sync feature. Calendar Sync allows users to subscribe to a calendar feed to synchronize their schedules to another device, such as a smart phone.
    1. If your organization wants to use Calendar Sync, select Enable Calendar Feeds.
    2. Enter the Calendar Feed Server Name. This is typically the web server, Domain Name System (DNS), or Internet Protocol (IP) address where your web solution is installed. The DNS is usually the web address for Clairvia Web. Be sure to enter your server name preceded by the desired protocol (such as http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://). For example, if your server name is and your protocol is https://, you should enter If you are not sure what your DNS, IP address, or server is, contact your Systems Administrator. If you enable Calendar Feeds but leave the server name blank, the solution automatically creates a valid URL for calendar feeds, but this URL may only be available from your intranet, limiting your users' ability to receive updates. For example, if your employees can only view Clairvia Web from your internal hospital network, they cannot receive updates when they are not connected to that network.
  13. Under Who's Here Configuration, complete the following items.
    1. For Punch Type included, select Yes.
    2. In the Punch In time + or - [value] minutes of scheduled start time of task box, enter a value in minutes from 1 to 720. For example, if you enter 60, Staff Manager counts all punches within 60 minutes of the scheduled task start time as punch in punches.
    3. In the Punch Out time + or - [value] minutes of scheduled end time box, enter a value in minutes from 1 to 720. For example, if you enter 60, Staff Manager counts all punches within 60 minutes of the scheduled task end time as punch out punches.
    4. In the Remove from view when time since punch in equals [value] hours box, enter a value in hours. For example, if you enter 13, Staff Manager removes an employee from view 13 hours after the employee's punch in time, even if Staff Manager has not received a punch out time.
  14. Under Encounter Publishing Configuration, complete the following items.
    1. If you want to track acuity changes to calculate and store acuity values for use in reporting, select Enable Encounter Publishing Acuity.
    2. If you want to track workload changes to calculate and store direct care workload for use in reporting, select Enable Encounter Publishing Workload.
  15. If you want users to see their Dashboard page when they first open Clairvia Web, select Check Show Dashboard by Default.
  16. If you want to enable employees to make block requests (that is, to mark shifts they do not want to work), select Allow Block Requests. If you do not want employees to make block requests, deselect the check box.
  17. If you want to display float assignments on the Schedule pages, select Check Display Floats.
  18. If you want Staff Manager to send email messages to employees using SMTP, select Use SMTP For Sending Messages. If Staff Manager should send messages within Clairvia Web only, deselect the check box.
  19. If you want employees to see current staffing needs on the Requests pages automatically, select Show Needs On Request Pages by Default. If you do not want employees to see current staffing needs, deselect the check box.
  20. If you want to enable employees to turn the current staffing needs view on and off on the Requests pages, select Check Display Show Needs Toggle. If you do not want employees to be able to turn the current staffing needs view on and off, deselect the check box.
  21. If you want to enable employees to see requests from other employees on the Requests pages, select Show Other Employee Names on Request Page. If you do not want employees to see requests from other employees, deselect the check box.
  22. If you want to enable employees to see the details of other employees' requests, select Allow Viewing of Other Employee Request Details. If employees should not see the details of other employees' requests, deselect the check box. Be aware that selecting Allow Viewing of Other Employee Request Details is only effective if you have also selected Show Other Employee Names on Request Page.
  23. If you want to enable employees to see the summary in other employees' request details, select Show Summary in Request Details for Other Employees. Be aware that selecting Show Summary in Request Details for Other Employees is only effective if you have also selected Allow Viewing of Other Employee Request Details.
  24. If you want to allow managers to search for scheduled employees, select Enable Search Option. This adds the Search option to the menu bar. If you deselect Enable Search Option, the Search option is unavailable and users cannot search for employees. Once enabled, Search is available to the following users:
  25. If you want to view Clairvia Web use and performance reports in the Lights On solution, select Enable Timers for Lights On Network.
  26. If you want the employee Weekly Schedule and Monthly Schedule Web pages to display a link to assignment information, select Show Assignment Information Link on My Schedule Page. The link displays below the Printable View button. Clicking the link opens a window with any available assignment information (as set in the Staff Manager Client Assignments dialog box Assignment tab).
  27. If you want to rename the Assignment Information Label, enter the new name in the Rename Assignment Information Label box. This changes change the text Clairvia Web uses to display the Assignment Information link set.
  28. If you want to rename the Employee Label, enter the new name in the Rename Employee Label box. This changes the label Employee throughout Clairvia Web. For example, if you change the label to Partner, the Configure menu displays a Partner View command instead of an Employee View command.
  29. Click Save Configuration. The application displays an alert message stating that the configuration saved successfully.

More Information about Configuring Calendar Sync and Email Notifications

See the uCern Wiki page Calendar Sync and Email Notification Setup Guide for Clients for more information about configuring Calendar Sync and Email Notifications.

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