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Configuring ShiftAlert

Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.

ShiftAlerts are special opportunities schedulers and managers create to fill urgent staffing needs. Employees receive ShiftAlert information by telephone, email, text message, or a combination of methods.

ShiftAlert uses Staff Manager External Resource Management and the Vortex (now part of JDA) connect service. As such, you begin configuring ShiftAlert by adding Vortex to your External Resource Management configuration, as described in Configuring External Resource Management. Cerner Clairvia provides you with information such as account numbers, Web Service URLs, and passwords when you purchase ShiftAlert.

Your organization must be using Shift Opportunities in order to use ShiftAlert. To configure Opportunities, see Configuring Open Shifts/Opportunities.

Configuring the ShiftAlert Interface

Complete the following steps to configure the ShiftAlert Interface:

  1. From the Configure menu, select External Resource Management. This opens the External Resource Management page.
  2. Click Add to create a new Vendor Configuration. This opens a message window asking if you want to create a new vendor configuration.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Enter a Name for this configuration, such as ShiftAlerts. Names must be unique; for example, you cannot have two configurations named Agency, but Agency1 and Agency2 would be acceptable.
  5. Make sure the Enabled box is selected.
  6. Select Vortex from the Vendor list.
  7. Enter the Account Number. Cerner Clairvia provides you with this assigned account number.
  8. Enter the Web Service URL: Staff Manager uses this URL to access Vortex.
  9. Enter the User Name. Cerner Clairvia provides you with the client-specific user name that Staff Manager should use to access Vortex.
  10. Enter the Password. This should be the password associated with your account.
  11. Complete the Alerts Expire options. These two options work together to define when Staff Manager should end an alert, such as 0 hours before a shift begins or 2 hours after a shift begins.
    1. Enter when alerts should expire in hours; valid entries include 0 through 24. You can also leave this box blank. If left blank, the alert expires at the start of the shift.
    2. Select Before Shift Starts or After Shift Starts from the menu. For example, if a shift starts at 7:00 a.m. and ShiftAlerts are set to expire 1 hour After Shift, alerts for the 7:00 a.m. shift expire at 8:00 a.m.
  12. Enter a Cerner Clairvia Log User name. Enter the Staff Manager user account that should be displayed on schedule audit reports. The account name should be representative of the interface (such as ShiftAlert Interface) to help quickly note it on reports. If your account does not already exist, the application adds it automatically.
  13. Enter a number in the Error Threshold box. This tells Staff Manager how many times to send an alert to Vortex after receiving an error notification during the ShiftAlert creation process. For example, if you enter 5, Staff Manager tries to send the alert 5 times before stopping. The default value is 3.
  14. Select from the Available Profiles. Select the check box for each Facility and Profile that should use this configuration. This list is sorted in ascending alphabetical by Facilities and then by Profiles within each facility. Selecting a Facility check box automatically selects all the Profiles within it. You can only assign a profile to one ShiftAlert configuration. Staff Manager alerts you if your selected profile belongs to another configuration and displays what the affected configuration is.
  15. Click Save.

You can click Reset to undo any edits made since you last saved the configuration.

Configuring ShiftAlert External Notifications

ShiftAlert External Notifications are configured the same was as other External Resource Management (ERM) interfaces; however, there are a few options that apply only to ShiftAlert.

  1. From the Configure menu, select Opportunity Settings. This opens the Opportunities Settings page.
  2. Select a profile from the Profile menu.
  3. Click the External Notifications tab to make it the active tab.
  4. The Select Integration Notifications option enables you to select which notification messages to send when Staff Manager receives interface events. If you select a notification check box, Staff Manager sends out the related messages as it receives them; if you deselect a check box, Staff Manager does not send messages for that event. The ShiftAlert options are as follows:
  5. Use the Select Users and Notifications they receive option to define which users receive which notifications for the selected profile.

    1. The Users list displays all users belonging to an Admin security group for the selected profile, as defined on the Manage Profiles tab of the Edit Security Groups dialog box in Staff Manager Administrator.
    2. If you select the All check box, the individual user receives all notifications defined in the Select Integration Notifications option.
    3. If the user is only to receive specific ShiftAlert notifications, you must select the check boxes for those notifications individually.

      • Employee Claim: Send Employee Claim Notifications
      • Shift Closed: Send Shift Closed Notifications
  6. Click Save to Current Profile to save changes.

You must set your communications preferences in order to receive ShiftAlert notifications.

You can click Reset to undo any edits made since you last saved external notifications.

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