You are here: Configuring the Solution for Administrative Users > Configuring Requests > Configuring Request Settings

Configuring Request Settings

The Request Settings page allows you to define request settings by profile. The page has two sections: Manager Settings and Employee Settings.

Complete the following steps to configure Request Settings:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Requests > Settings. The Request Settings page opens.
  2. Select a profile from the Profile menu. Your security access determines which profiles appear in the menu.
  3. Configure the Manager Settings and the Employee Settings, as described below.
  4. Click Save Configuration.

You can click Reset to undo any edits made since you last saved the configuration.

Clairvia Web saves Request Settings configuration changes on a first come, first served basis. If multiple users make changes to the same profile at the same time, the first person to click Save Configuration has their configuration saved. All other users receive the message This data has been updated by another user. Your changes cannot be saved.

Configuring the Manager Settings

  1. Open the Request Settings page as described above.
  2. Allow requests to be approved/denied for the next [number of] days: An administrator can set a limit on how far in advance profile managers can approve or deny a request. This feature is only available in Clairvia Web. The default is to allow request approval for the next 120 days.
  3. Show Staffing Needs
  4. Show Staffing Needs Toggle
  5. Allow float employee requests from the selected profiles/skills: This option lets you determine whether employees in other profiles can make requests for the profile you are configuring. You can also specify what skills employees must have to make float requests into your configuration profile. Leave both options unselected if you do not want float employees to make requests for your configuration profile.
    1. The Available Profiles/Skills box contains a list of profiles and their associated skills. Staff Manager limits the list of available profiles to those managed and authorized profiles where you also have Full Access permissions to float employees. The Available Profiles/Skills list does not include the profile you are currently configuring. You can select entire profiles (meaning the profiles and all skills within them) or select specific skills within profiles by expanding the profiles and selecting the desired skills. Click Add to move your choices to the Selected Profiles/Skills menu box. To remove a profile or skill from the Selected Profiles/Skills box, select the item, and then click Remove.
  6. Allow Float Employees to request: This option has two choices, Skill Based Tasks and Non Skill Based Tasks. Both are off by default. In addition, these options are only available if you selected profiles or skills for the Allow float employee requests from the selected profiles and skills option. You must select at least one Allow Float Employees to Request box for float employees to be able to make requests across profiles.
    1. If you select Skill Based Tasks, float employees are only able to request tasks for which they possess the associated skill or skills.
    2. If you select Non Skill Based Tasks, float employees are only able to request tasks without associated skills.
    3. If you select both boxes, float employees are able to request both skill and non-skill based tasks.
  7. Request Limits. This option has two choices, Enable Wait List and Enable Auto Approve. Both are deselected by default. You must define request limits and assign them before you can use the Request Limits options.
    1. Enable Wait List: Select this option to enable the Request Wait List. This means any employee's request that exceeds configured Request Limits is put on a wait list instead of that request not being accepted due to Request Limits. The request has a status of Wait Listed wherever it is displayed, and, if the user has email notifications enabled for requests, they receive an email message that they are on the Wait List for the requested task and date.
    2. Enable Auto Approve: If you select this option, the solution compares any new request against your configured request limits. If the request meets the limits, it is automatically approved; otherwise, the request is not accepted or (if you have enabled it) the request is put on the Wait List. Selecting this option also opens the following message: Enabling Auto Approval may approve existing requests. Are you sure you want to enable this feature? Click OK to have the solution process current pending requests or click Cancel to cancel.
  8. Apply Filter to: This option enables the use of filters when processing employee requests. There are two choices, Grid and Quick List and grid. Quick List and grid is selected by default.
    1. Grid: Select this option to apply any filter in use to the Administer Requests grid. This limits the profiles, tasks, and employees shown in the grid to those included in the filter. The Quick List still displays all requests for the current profile with statuses of pending or wait listed.
    2. Grid and Quick List: Select this option to apply any filter in use to both the Administer Requests grid and the Quick List. This limits the profiles, tasks, and employees shown in the Quick List and the grid to those included in the filter.
  9. Click Save Configuration.
  10. A window opens with the message Are you sure you wish to save these changes? Click OK to complete the addition or Cancel to cancel it.

Configuring the Employee Settings

  1. Open the Request Settings page as described above.
  2. Allow requests to be entered/edited for the next [number of] days: You can set a limit on the amount of time in advance an employee can enter or edit a request. The default setting is 120 days.
  3. Show Request Schedule for Employee Only: This option lets employees see their own schedule requests only. This option is on by default. If you deselect this check box, employees are able to see the requests of all employees in the schedule.
  4. Allow Block Requests: If you select this option, employees can enter block requests. A block requests means that an employee does not want to work a task on a certain day. If you leave the option deselected, employees may only request tasks (that is, ask to work a particular task on a particular day), not block tasks.
  5. Show Staffing Needs
  6. Show Staffing Needs Toggle
  7. Show Tasks on My Requests page using: Click the button beside the option you want.
    1. Full Task List displays all tasks on the My Requests page.
    2. Employee Skill displays only default tasks and those tasks where the employee has the required skill.
    3. Staff List displays only those tasks where the employee is on the staff list.
  8. Click Save Configuration.
  9. A window opens with the message Are you sure you wish to save these changes? Click OK to complete the addition or Cancel to cancel it.

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