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Configuring Additional Duties in Assignment Manager

Additional duties are activities caregivers perform in addition to caring for patients, such as checking crash carts, restocking supplies, or being part of the rapid response team for a shift. You create additional duties so that you can assign them to caregivers using the Assign Devices and Duties window in Patient Assign. The time associated with each assigned duty (optional) is added to the caregiver's assigned hours for the shift.

Complete the following steps to configure additional duties:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Patient Assign > Additional Duties. This opens the Caregiver Additional Duties page.
  2. Click Add. This opens a new editing row.
  3. In the Description box, enter an explanation for the new Duty, such as Check Crash Cart, Medication Count, or Restock Treatment Rooms. Each duty description must be unique.
  4. In the Duration box, enter the average number of minutes it would take a caregiver to complete this assigned duty. The time in minutes must be an integer between 0 and 1000.
  5. Click Save.

To delete a duty from the Assign Devices and Duties page, open the Caregiver Additional Duties page and click the red X at the end of the duty row. If the duty is assigned to a caregiver for the current shift or for a future shift, you need to remove the assignment from the caregiver on the Assign Devices and Duties page.

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