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Checklist for Configuring Shift Swap

Setting up Staff Manager to handle shift swapping requires several steps. This checklist helps you confirm that you have completed all the necessary tasks.

First: Steps in Staff Manager Administrator

  1. Open Staff Manager Administrator.
  2. Enable shift swapping for the facility.
    1. From the View menu, select Facilities. This opens the Facilities dialog box.
    2. Click in the Shift Swap cell for the desired facility and select Enabled from the menu.
    3. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.
  3. Enable shift swapping for the profile.
    1. From the View menu, select Profile from the menu bar. This opens the Profiles dialog box.
    2. Double-click the profile to be updated. This opens the Edit Profile dialog box; the AutoStaffing tab is active by default.
    3. Click the Enable Shift Swap check box in the lower left corner of the dialog box.
    4. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.

Second: Steps in Clairvia Web

  1. Open Clairvia Web.
  2. From the Configuration menu, select Employee View. This opens the Employee Configuration View page.
  3. Make sure that the Show Employee Schedule Only check box is deselected. If you select the box, employees cannot swap shifts.
  4. From the Configure menu, select Shift Swap Settings. This opens the Shift Swap Settings page.
  5. Select a profile from the menu at the top of the page. If the selected profile has not been set up for shift swaps in Staff Manager Administrator, Clairvia Web alerts you and opens the closest profile that is set up for shift swaps.
  6. If managers should be notified of all shift swaps, select Notify Manager of Shift Swaps.
  7. If Clairvia Web should only process swaps after a manager has approved them, select Shift Swaps Require Manager Approval.
  8. To limit shift swaps to those shifts of equal length (that is, eight hours to eight hours) select Shift Swaps of Equal Length Only. Deselect this box to allow swaps of unequal length (that is, four hours to eight hours).
  9. To allow swaps over multiple pay periods, select Ignore Pay Period Restrictions for Swaps. Deselect this check box to limit shift swaps to those within the same period.
  10. To allow employees to swap into a second shift on a date they are already working (that is, enabling this setting allows employees to double-book themselves via a shift swap), select Allow Swaps with employees already scheduled on the same day. Deselect this check box to limit shift swaps to those on days where the employee is not already scheduled. Be aware that allowing same day swaps could cause employees to go into overtime for the day.
  11. If Clairvia Web should allow employees to swap shifts across different profiles, select Allow Shift Swaps Across Profiles. Note that for employees in two different profiles to swap shifts, both of the profiles must set this option to Allow.
  1. Enter a value for the box Don't allow swaps [X] hours before Shift Start Time. You can enter any number between 0 and 99; the default value is 8 hours.
  2. Ignore All Other Rules for Swaps. Select this check box if Clairvia Web should allow the following swaps.
  3. In the Send Swap Notification To section, you can set up sending swap notifications to managers or schedulers or both.
    1. Managers: Shift swap managers are employees who can delete pending shift swaps from their Profile page.
      1. Click Select Manager. The Select Managers window opens.
      2. Select an employee name. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
      3. Click Add to move the selected employee name or names to the Managers box. You can remove managers from the Managers box by selecting the name in the list and clicking Remove.
      4. When you have selected all the managers you want, click Select. This closes the pop-up window and adds the managers to the Shift Swap Settings page.
    2. Schedulers: If there are schedulers who should be notified of all shift swaps, add those schedulers here. Keep in mind, however, that schedulers cannot delete pending requests. Schedulers simply receive updates regarding all shift swaps.
      1. Click Select Employees. The Select Schedulers window opens.
      2. Select a scheduler's name. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
      3. Click Add to move the selected scheduler or schedulers to the Schedulers box. You can remove schedulers from the Schedulers box by selecting them in the list and clicking Remove.
      4. When all schedulers have been selected, click Select. This closes the pop-up window and adds the schedulers to the Shift Swap Default Configuration page.
  4. To append an additional message to the default Shift Swap messaging, you can add text to the following boxes.
    1. Create Default "Invitation" Message (for example, You have been invited to swap shifts.)
    2. Create Default "Accepted" Swap Message (for example, Your swap invitation has been accepted.)
    3. Create Default "Declined" Swap Message (for example, Your swap invitation has been declined.)
    4. Create Default "Manager's/Schedulers" Message (for example, The following swap activity has taken place.)
    5. Create Manager's "Approved" Swap Message (for example, Your shift swap has been approved.)
    6. Create Default Email "Invitation" Message (for example, Please log in to your dashboard to respond to this Shift Swap invitation.). This option applies to organizations using email schedule notifications; Staff Manager includes this message in emails sent to employees receiving shift swap invitations.
  5. At this point, you have the option to copy all the selections you have just made for the current profile to other profiles.
    1. Click Copy to Other Profiles. The Select Other Profiles window opens.
    2. Select a profile name from the menu on the right. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
    3. Click Add to move the profile or profiles to the list on the left. You can remove profiles in the Profiles to Copy to box by selecting them from the menu and clicking Remove.
    4. To apply the selection, click Select. To cancel the selection, click Cancel.
  6. Save all Shift Swap selections by clicking Save. To cancel, click Cancel. The selections you make, such as the managers and schedulers to notify and profiles to copy settings to, are not saved until you click Save.

You have now configured your selected profile or profiles for swapping shifts.

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