You are here: For Administrators > Using the External Resource Management Opportunities Settings Page

Using the External Resource Management Opportunities Settings Page

Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.

If an organization is equipped with the optional External Resource Management (ERM) interface or the optional ShiftAlert application, the Opportunities Settings page has an additional tab: External Notifications.

Staff Manager alerts you to changes entering the application from the ERM interface. The External Notifications tab lets you set up which people are notified for the various interface events. You can also specify which notifications are processed (that is, create messages) and which do not.

Configuring External Notifications

Complete the following steps to configure external notifications:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Opportunity Settings. The Opportunities Settings page opens.
  2. Select a profile from the Profile menu.
  3. Click the External Notifications tab to make it the active tab.
  4. The Select Integration Notifications option enables you to select which notification messages are sent when Staff Manager receives interface events. If you select a notification check box, Staff Manager sends out the related messages as they are received; if you deselect a check box, no messages are sent for that event. The interface events and their descriptions are as follows:
  5. Use the Select Users and Notifications they receive option to define which users receive which notifications for your selected profile.

    1. The Users menu displays all users belonging to an Admin security group for the selected profile, as defined on the Manage Profiles tab of the Edit Security Groups dialog box in Staff Manager Administrator.
    2. If you select the All check box, the individual user receives all notifications defined in the Select Integration Notifications option.
    3. If the user is only to receive specific notifications, you must select the check boxes for those notifications individually.

      • Employee Claim: Send ShiftAlert Employee Claim Notifications
      • Shift Closed: Send ShiftAlert Shift Closed Notifications
      • Assign: Send Assignment Notifications
      • Cancel: Send Assignment Cancellation Notifications
      • Replace: Send Assignment Replacement Notifications
      • New Employee: Send New Employee Notifications
      • Cancel Job Req: Send Job Requisition Cancellation Notifications
      • Vendor Messages: Send External Vendor Messages
    4. Click Save to Current Profiles.

You can click Reset to undo any edits made since external notifications were last saved.

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