This report displays staffing needs by skill as entered in the Workload Planner in Staff Manager Client. The report sorts by profile and shift category partition. The report also contains cells to be used when the report is printed, so that you can enter employee names to fill staffing needs.
Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.
If you are using a filter when viewing the report, the filter name is displayed in the Filter menu.
Complete the following steps to run the Staffing Needs report:
Enter a Date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
To print the report, see Printing Reports.
This report lists staffing needs by skill as entered in the Workload Planner in Staff Manager Client. The report sorts by profile and shift category partition. The report also contains cells to be used when the report is printed, so that users can enter employee names to fill staffing needs.