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The Staff Utilization Report

Run this report to see how efficiently a profile used or will use staff in a pay period by pulling information from schedule data. It is designed to be run prospectively and retrospectively. When you run the report prospectively (that is, for current or future periods), the report can highlight potential staff utilization problems to be addressed. When you run the report retrospectively (that is, for dates in the past), each sub-report provides information on how well staff resources were used.

The report is divided into five different sub-reports, each with a summary. Three of the sub-reports also have the option to include details by employee.

The budgeted volume and actual volume for the period are included in the report to provide points of reference. When actual volume is less than budgeted, one would expect to see employees floated out of their profile, with some employees not meeting their FTE commitment in that profile. This is a good reason to review whether employees met their FTE requirement for the profile.

When actual volume is higher than budget, increased hours over budgeted positions, overtime, and use of agency may be acceptable. The report is designed to provide a picture of how staff resources were used during the pay period by profile.

One suggestion for using this report is to run the following sub-reports just before or at the time the schedules is posted.

This report calculates worked hours by counting all tasks except those where Unpaid/Non-working or Tracking Task or Off-time Acct or all of these are checked on the Task Control tab of the Staff Manager Client Assignments dialog box, opened by selecting Assignment Info from the Maintain menu.

Staff Manager counts all task hours as paid hours except for those tasks marked Unpaid/Non-working or Tracking Task or both. If tasks are designated as overtime tasks (either Count Toward OT or Count Directly to OT) and designated as Tracking Tasks, report results will not be accurate.

Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.

Calculating Expected FTE Hours

Expected FTE Hours calculations affect three of the Staff Utilization sub-reports: Hours Under FTE, Hours Over FTE, and Overtime > 0 Hours.

Expected FTE hours are the number of paid hours an employee is expected to incur based on the FTE specified for each job. Staff Manager calculates this by looking at the FTE Conversion factor (Daily) stored for each profile and on the AutoStaffing tab of the Edit Profile dialog box in Staff Manager Administrator. For each job an employee holds in the profile, the application makes the following assumptions:

If FTE conversion = 480, 600, or 720, 1.0 FTE = 40 hours per week

If FTE conversion = 450, 570, or 690, 1.0 FTE = 37.5 hours per week

The hours per week are multiplied by the number of weeks in the pay period to determine the hours associated with a full FTE, and the report adjusts the value from there. The following table explains how this report calculates expected hours are calculated.

FTE Conversion (Daily) Number of Weeks in Pay Period 1.0 FTE Hours Employee Job FTE Expected Hours
600 1 40.0 0.3 12.00
480 1 40.0 0.2 8.00
600 2 80.0 0.5 40.00
720 2 80.0 1.0 80.00
570 1 37.5 0.1 3.75
450 1 37.5 0.3 11.25
570 2 75.0 0.5 37.50
690 2 75.0 1.0 75.00

Running the Staff Utilization Report

Complete the following steps to run the Staff Utilization report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Management > Staff Utilization. The selection criteria page opens.
  2. Select one or more facilities from the Facilities list. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
  3. Select one or more profiles from the Profiles list. If you are logged in as an administrator, you can select from all the profiles in the database. If you are logged in as an employee who can manage profiles, only those profiles to which you have access are displayed in the Profiles list.
  4. Select the Reports to Include:
    1. Hours Under FTE Summary with Employee Detail: This report totals all hours of employees with a job in the selected profile with fewer paid hours than those associated with their FTE for that job. Employee detail is always included when this report is selected, which provides each employees' total paid hours, including the worked profile in the event the hours worked are not in their home profile. If an employee met the hours associated with their FTE by floating to another profile, or if volume was low which supported canceling staff, it would be appropriate for employees to have fewer hours. This is a good report to run right after the schedule is posted to identify opportunities to schedule employees for more shifts.
    2. Hours Over FTE Summary with Employee Detail: This report totals all hours of employees with a job in the selected profile who worked more hours than those associated with their FTE. Employee detail is always included when this report is selected and displays the list of employees with the number of hours over their FTE and the profile worked, and so on.
    3. Overtime > X Hours Summary: Based on worked profile, this reports sums any overtime hours earned in selected profile greater than your selected number of hours. The default is 8 hours. Employee detail is included only when you select Yes for Include Employee Detail; if selected, the report also includes employees not based in the unit but who earned overtime during the pay period.
    4. Incidental Time < X Hours Summary: Based on comparing coverage time of scheduled task with actual start and end time, this report sums all incidental time less than your selected number of hours. The default is 8 hours. Employee detail is included only when you select Yes for Include Employee Detail. Some or incidental time will also be included in the Overtime > X Hours report if it was earned as overtime.
    5. Agency and Traveler Summary: This report displays how many agency and traveler hours were used during the pay period. Employee detail is included only when you select Yes for Include Employee Detail.
  5. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu. The report includes data from all days in the pay period the selected day is in.
  6. Select whether to Show EmployeeID. Select Yes to include the employee ID number in the first column of each report. Select No to leave this data out of the reports.

  7. Select whether to Include Employee Details. Select Yes to include employee data in each report. Select No to leave this data out of the reports. This option only affects the Overtime, Incidental Time, and Agency and Traveler reports.
  8. Select whether to Include Profile-based Traveler/Contractors. Select Yes to include the profile-based agency and traveler (contractor) employee data. If you select No, the report does not include hours worked by any employee marked in Staff Manager as a traveler/contractor with a start date within the selected period. This option is turned off when the Agency and Traveler report is the only report selected.
  9. Select an Export Type.
  10. Click Run Report. If you selected the PDF export type, the report is displayed in the Report Output pane. If you selected the Excel export type, an alert window opens to let you select whether to open the report or to save the report as an Excel spreadsheet. It is recommended that you select Save so that you can review the report in Excel.

Be aware that report formatting is not retained when you export a report to Excel.

To print the report, see Printing Reports.

Viewing the Staff Utilization Report: General Details

The Staff Utilization Report is a series of sub-reports based on your selections. Each report summary includes budgeted and actual volume.

All overtime calculations use the overtime rules (daily, weekly, or biweekly) as set by employee or the employees' primary home profile, such as overtime over 40 hours per week, or work in tasks that are marked Count directly in OT.

The report sorts summary data first by facility, then by profile, starting a new page after each facility. The employee detail sorts are generally in alphabetical order by last name with the exception of the Agency and Traveler Report, which sorts employee detail by profile, then by employee last name, then by the task worked data.

Hours Under FTE Summary with Detail

The Summary section only includes data for those employees who have a defined job in the reporting profile and meet the requirement that their paid hours are less than the hours associated with the FTE of one or more defined jobs in the reporting profile. This includes employees who did not meet their expected hours because they were floated to an alternate profile and those who may have worked hours in a task associated with a skill other than the skill defined by their position. The Summary section includes the following information.

Summary: Facility Name

The Employee Detail section, if included, has the following information.

The sub-report is sorted by employee last name, then job skill, then by date of paid task. Note that employee Samantha Carter has two entries in the Emp ID column separated by a pipe: 234567891 | SC-041396.

Hours Over FTE Summary with Detail

The Summary section includes the following information.

The Employee Detail section, if included, has the following information.

Overtime > X Hours Summary

This report includes data (summary and data) based on meeting the criteria that overtime was earned in the reporting profile within the reporting period. One employee is included in this report in multiple profiles if that employee met the minimum number of overtime hours criterion in multiple profiles. The Summary section includes the following information, sorted by profile.

The summary also includes the following legend.

OT Hours = Overtime hours worked by any employee in this profile per overtime rules; may include float in hours if OT was earned.

Expected FTE Hours = Number of hours to be paid if each employee were paid the number of hours associated with all jobs held in this profile, based on filled positions for this profile.

Total Paid Hours includes OT and float in hours for the reporting profile only (exclude hours employees with a job in the reporting unit worked in other profiles).

Worked Hours this profile includes OT & float in hours.

Float in Hours: All hours worked in this profile by staff who do not have a defined job in the profile that are not included in the OT Hours calculation. This includes staff from other units, float profiles, agency profiles provided the hours were not earned as overtime.

The Employee Detail section, if included, has the following information, sorted by primary home profile, then by employees who worked overtime in the reported profile and do not have a job in the profile.

Incidental Time < X Hours Summary

This report is based on the coverage hours defined by the task scheduled and is used to identify profiles that have employees who are consistently working beyond their scheduled shift. You define the point at which this becomes a problem. The Summary section includes the following information.

The Employee Detail section, if included, has the following information.

Agency and Traveler Summary

The Summary section includes the following information, which is sorted by facility and profile with summary Totals.

The Employee Detail section, if included, has the following information and is sorted by facility, profile worked, staff in agency profiles, skill of task work, followed by travelers and skill of task worked, followed by non-skill-based tasks. The subtotals after each staff type match the agency and traveler hours in the summary.

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