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The Staff Finder Report

The Staff Finder report provides decision support to you trying to fill staffing shortages on a specific date. The report helps teams identify employees who are most likely to work a shift, including float staff, by presenting a sorted list of all employees.

Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.

Prerequisite: Before Running the Staff Finder Report

Before running the Staff Finder report for the first time, you must perform the following tasks to set up Staff Manager.

  1. Install Adobe Reader.
    1. You must install Adobe Reader version 7.0 or later on the computer used to open Clairvia Web or confirm that it is already installed on your computer. You can download Adobe Reader free of charge from the Adobe Web site at
  2. Configure Settings in Staff Manager Administrator.
    1. Confirm that report parameters for the profile have been set in Staff Manager Administrator. If you do not have access to Staff Manager Administrator, you should check with your profile administrator concerning this step.
    2. Open Staff Manager Administrator and double-click the profile to bring up the Edit Profile dialog box. On the Reports tab, set the parameters for the Staff Finder report. You can adjust the following parameters for each profile; however, Staff Manager has included defaults to make set up easier.
  3. Configure Settings in Staff Manager Client.
    1. Configure the report settings in Staff Manager Client. If you do not have access to Staff Manager Client, you should check with the profile administrator concerning this step.
    2. Open the Employees dialog box by going to the Maintain menu and selecting Employee Info. Check that float data is accurate for each employee. The Float tab for each employee should contain only those profiles for which the employee is qualified to work and in which the employee does not hold a primary or secondary job. It is not recommended that all profiles be listed for all employees.
    3. In the Assignments dialog box (opened by going to the Maintain menu and selecting Assignment Info), set up at least one task with the Availability Task Type on the Task Controls tab. Ideally, we recommend that you set up a task for each shift partition with the Availability Task Type option selected. These tasks may be named Available Day, Available 3-7 Eve, Available 7-11 Eve, and Available Night. The Staff Finder report assigns higher weights to these specific tracking tasks. Encourage employees to use them on a consistent basis to help staffing efforts on a day-to-day and shift-to-shift basis.
    4. In the Assignments dialog box, on the Staffing tab, confirm that the Staffings Count Toward Employee Limits check box is applied correctly.

Running the Staff Finder Report

Complete the following steps to run the Staff Finder report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Schedule > Staff Finder. This opens the Staff Finder page.
  2. Select one or more Profiles. You can select up to seven profiles. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items. Profile administrators can only view data about their managed profiles, as determined by their Security Group settings in Staff Manager Administrator. If the profile administrator selects to include float staff on the report, you can view data for those employees who are floating to their managed profiles, even if they are floating from profiles that are not managed by the administrator.
  3. Select one or more Assignments. The menu highlights all assignments associated with the selected profiles by default.
  4. Select one or more Skills. The menu highlights all skills associated with the selected assignments by default.
  5. Select one or more Tasks. The menu highlights all tasks associated with the selected assignments by default.
  6. Enter a Date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
  7. Select the check box to indicate whether to Include Float Staff in the report. If you deselect the check box, only those employees who are members of the selected profiles are displayed on the Staff Finder report. If you select the check box, the report includes employees who can float to any of the selected profiles.
  8. Select the Sort Order. Options are Staff Search, Alphabetical, or Alphabetical by Profile.
  9. Select the Period Profile. The selections correspond to the profile names you selected in the Profiles box, and indicate that the report uses the corresponding profile's Payroll Period.
  10. Select whether to Include Phone Column. If you select the check box, a column of employee phone numbers is included.
  11. Select whether to Include Hire Date Column. If you select the check box, a column of employee hire dates is included.
  12. Select whether to Include UDF Column. If you select the check box, a column of User Defined Fields is included.
  13. Select whether to Include Available Float Column. If you select the check box, a column showing the profiles employees can float to is included.
  14. Enter the Number of Employees to Display/Print. You can enter values from 1 to 9999.
  15. Click Run Report.

To print the report, see Printing Reports.

Viewing the Staff Finder Report

The Staff Finder Report displays 16 days of information based on the date you selected; the column for that date is highlighted in yellow. How many days the report displays before and after your selected date depends on where your date falls within the pay period set in Staff Manager Administrator. In addition, the report displays some or all of the following information, depending on your selections:

Understanding the Sort Order on the Staff Finder Report

Staff Manager assigns each employee capable of working in one or more of the selected profiles a score based on criteria such as their priority on the profile staff list. The Staff Finder report lists employees in descending order based on their score.

Understanding Scheduled Hours on the Staff Finder Report

Clairvia Web calculates an employee's scheduled hours, and how they display, using the following factors.

Color of scheduled hours

Indication for weekly employee

Indication for biweekly employees


Scheduled hours are greater than or equal to 32

Scheduled hours are greater than or equal to 72


Scheduled hours are greater than 32 and less than or equal to 40

Scheduled hours are greater than 72 and less than or equal to 80


Scheduled hours are greater than 40 (Overtime)

Scheduled hours are greater than 80 (Overtime)

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