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The Productivity Report

The Productivity report provides an analysis of productivity over any period, both retrospectively and prospectively. You can view data such as actual vs. budgeted time, percent utilization, actual Hours per Patient Day (HPPD), and budgeted HPPD.

You cannot set a filter in the Productivity Report. Instead, you should use the Report Selection page to limit the data included in the report.

Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.

If you have never run the Productivity Report before, review the following information before running the report. If you are familiar with the report, you can go directly to the steps for running the report.

Settings Affecting the Productivity Report

Settings in other parts of Staff Manager affect how the Productivity Report displays items. The following list covers the Productivity Report items and the settings their related dialog boxes and options must use for the report to display these items.

Settings in Staff Manager Client

Settings in Staff Manager Administrator

Running the Productivity Report

Complete the following steps to run the Productivity report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Management > Productivity Report. This opens the Productivity Report page.
  2. Select a profile or profiles. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items. If you are logged in as an administrator, you can select from all the profiles in the database. If you are logged in as an employee who can manage profiles, only those profiles to which you have access are displayed in the menu.
  3. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.

  4. Select a time period. Enter a numeric value in the box, then select Days, Weeks, or Months. For example, if you enter 12 in the box and then click Days, the report displays 12 days of data starting with your selected Start Date.
  5. Select what to Report On: Hours, FTEs, Hours/UOS (Hours per Unit of Service), or a combination.
  6. Select what the Report Includes. When running the Productivity Report for ancillary departments that sum volume by day, such as Respiratory, Radiology, or Emergency, the Summary and Detail by Skill options are the most useful.
    1. Summary
    2. Detail by Partition/Skill
    3. Detail by Skill
  7. Select to include Graphs in Hours/UOS with Variances, Cumulative Variances, or both. The Variance graph plots the variance between productive and target hours per unit of service, and the Cumulative Variance graph plots the cumulative variance between productive hours per unit of service and target hours per unit of service.
  8. Select an Export Type.
  9. Click Run Report.

The term Unit of Service or UOS has replaced HPPD in Clairvia Web reports. Hours per unit of service are the total productive hours divided by the unit of service for a department for a specific period, usually a day. This label is set by profile in Staff Manager Client. Cerner recommends that you select a label of six characters or less in this box. For example, PD for Patient Day would be an option in inpatient nursing, Proc for Procedure in radiology, and so on.

To print the report, see Printing Reports.

Viewing the Productivity Report

The Productivity Report displays values in hours, FTEs, Hours/UOS, or a combination of these, depending on what you selected on the report selection page.

The report can also have one to four sections, depending on your report selections.

Viewing the Productivity Graphs

When you run the Summary, Detail by Partition/Skill, Detail by Skill, and Graph Hours/UOS reports for multiple profiles (such as Profiles A and B), the report displays the information as follows.

The Variance Graph

The length of the reporting period affects how the graphs display. If you select a report interval of 31 days or less, the x-axis of the graph are labeled in Days, and the number of days in the reporting period are indicated by the striped line. The following illustration shows an Hours/UOS Variance graph in days.

If you select a report interval of greater than 31 days, the x-axis of the graph are labeled in Weeks, and the number of weeks in the reporting period are indicated by the striped line. The following illustration shows an Hours/UOS Variance graph in weeks.

The Hours/UOS Variance graph compares the Productive Hours/per Unit of Service (PH/UOS) against the Target Hours per Unit of Service (TH/UOS) for the selected profile. TH/UOS are based upon workload volumes and are calculated from Workload Planner and census/volume data, or from core coverage data, depending on the data available for the selected period in Client.

The bar graphs display the PH/UOS and the TH/UOS are plotted in a line graph.

In the following graph, a user chose to display the variance for 28 days. On 2/1/09 and 2/2/09, the TH/UOS and PH/UOS were even or close to even. On 2/12/09, the PH/UOS exceeded the TH/UOS. On 2/18/09 the TH/UOS exceeded the PH/UOS.

The Cumulative Variance Graph

The Cumulative Variances graph displays the cumulative variance between the TH/UOS and the PH/UOS in a bar graph for each day in the specified date range, as shown in the following illustration.

For example, assume a graph is run with the following data.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Target Hours/UOS (TH/UOS)




Productive Hours/UOS (PH/UOS)




The daily and cumulative variances shown on the graph would be as follows.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Daily Variance (PH/UOS - TH/UOS)




Cumulative Variance




Viewing the Summary Section

When reporting by hours or FTEs, the summary section heading is Productivity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity [FTEs or Hours] Summary Report. The summary columns are as follows.

When reporting by Hours/UOS, the summary section heading is Productivity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity Hours/UOS Summary Report. The summary columns are as follows.

The report displays totals at the bottom of the Summary report for all profiles.

Viewing the Detail by Partition and Skill Section

The heading format for detail by partition and skill is Productivity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity [FTEs or Hours] with Detail by Partition and Skill for [Profile Name]. If reporting by Hours or FTEs, the columns are as follows.

If reporting by Hours/UOS, the detail columns are as follows.

Viewing the Detail by Skill Section

The heading format for detail by skill is Productivity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity [FTEs or Hours] with Detail by Skill for [Profile Name].

The detail columns are the same as those for the Detail by Partition and Skill.

Notes on Formatting

Cumulative volume values are followed by CUM and average workload values by Avg.

Variances: Positive variances display/print in bold red type; negative variances display/print in italic blue type. The use of bold and italics provides a visual flag when printing in black and white.

Sample Reports

The following illustration shows a sample of all three reporting options: Summary, Detail by Partition and Skill, and Detail by Skill.

  1. Workload measurement label
  2. Bold red text indicating a positive variance
  3. Italic blue text indicating a negative variance

The following illustration shows a Productivity Report for the ancillary department Respiratory Therapy. The report displays the Summary and Detail by Skill. These are the most useful sections when reporting for ancillary departments that sum volume by day.

The next illustration demonstrates how the totals for Float, Agency, Traveler/Contract, and Overtime Hours or FTEs are subcategories of the Productive Hours or FTEs total. In this example, the user ran the report by Hours, with total hours in each of these categories added into the total for Productive Hours.

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