The Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report
The Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report displays Demand Target Staffing with or without acuity, depending on whether your organization has installed the optional Outcomes-Driven Acuity application. Demand Target Staff Count or Hours for global skills configured for Demand or Patient Events is based on volume, patient activity, and acuity, if implemented.
You cannot set a filter with the Productivity for Demand/Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report. You should use the Selection tab to limit the data included in the report.
Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.
If you have never run the Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report before, review the following information before running the report. If you are familiar with the report, you can go directly to the steps for running the report.
Settings Affecting the Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report
Settings in other parts of Staff Manager affect how items are displayed in the Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report. The following list covers the options that must be set for the report to display these items.
Settings in Staff Manager Client
- Patient Events:
- Skill dialog box: To be displayed in this report, skills must be global skills configured for demand and have the Pt. Events option selected. Be aware, however, that the report includes all global skills with Pt Event selected, even if that skill is also marked as Indirect. For this reason, Cerner recommends that you do not select Pt Event for an Indirect global skill.
- Productive Hours:
- Assignments dialog box, Task tab: To calculate productive hours, the % Coverage option must be set between 1% and 100% (cannot be 0).
- Traveler/Contractor Hours:
- Employee Jobs/Skills dialog box: The Traveler/Contractor check box must be selected for traveler and contractor employees.
Settings in Staff Manager Administrator
- Workload Measurement Label:
- Edit Profile dialog box, Workload tab: Staff Manager uses the value in the Workload Measurement Label box as the heading of the Volume column. If the box is blank, Staff Manager will use the default value of Volume.
Source of Target Staffing Hours
The source of the target staffing hours the report uses in its calculations depends on the reporting period you select.
- Past to Present: For dates in the past and for the present (with present meaning the time you run the report) the report uses actual patient demand and actual patient events to calculate the Target Staffing value.
- Present to Near Future: For time ranges from the present up to 36 hours in the future, the Target Staffing value includes:
- Current demand workload values adjusted for time of day and acuity levels (when implemented).
- Projected departure and discharge event workload, calculated by using the pattern end date as originally assigned or by using updated dates and times entered on the Administer Patient Pattern window (or updated through an alternate source solution) for each patient.
- Workload associated with actual and projected Other patient events.
- Target Staffing for non-direct care staff global skills, such as managers and clerical staff, is pulled from the workload matrix, which is stored in Workload Planner. This approach produces an accurate staffing projection for the next 36 hours based on current patients, acuity, and expected departures. From a process perspective, the only data missing is the calculated impact of expected admissions and transfers in. When Demand Manager auto-pushes patterns forward, the projected dates on the Administer Patient Pattern window do not change and departure workload is not calculated. When running reports for past dates, the targets include workload for actual ADT events; the target only includes workload for events that actually occurred.
- Future: If the report is run for a period that starts more than 36 hours from now, the Target is calculated using the 6-week historical average by day of week and time of day and includes workload associated with actual demand, including actual ADT events. The effect of other events is not included in the historical average.
Running the Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report
Complete the following steps to run the Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity report:
- From the Reports menu, select Management > Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report. This opens the Productivity for Demand/Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report page.
- Select a profile or profiles. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items. The profiles displayed are limited based on your security permissions and whether the profiles are configured for Demand Manager.
Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
- Select a time period. Enter a numeric value in the box, then select Days, Weeks, or Months. For example, if you enter 12 in the box and then click Days, the report displays 12 days of data starting with your selected Start Date.
- Select what to Report On: Hours, Staff Count, Hours/UOS (Hours per Unit of Service), or a combination.
- Reporting in Hours provides data based on target and productive hours.
- Reporting by Staff Count takes the productive hours and divides by the length of the shift category partition.
- Reporting in Hours/UOS takes the productive hours and divides them by the volume reports. This affects only those values that report in hours (Productive, Target, Variances, Float, Agency, and Traveler/Contract Hours).
- Select what the Report Includes:
- Summary
- Detail by Partition/Skill
- Detail by Skill
- Select to include Graphs in Hours/UOS with Cumulative Variances. The Cumulative Variance graph plots the cumulative variance between productive hours per unit of service and target hours per unit of service.
- Select an Export Type.
- If you select PDF, Staff Manager opens the report results as a PDF.
- If you select CSV (Comma Separated Values), Staff Manager exports the report results as a CSV file. You can open and edit CSV files in spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Office Excel.
- Click Run Report.
The term Unit of Service or UOS has replaced HPPD in Clairvia Web reports. Hours per unit of service are the total productive hours divided by the unit of service for a department for a specific period, usually a day. This label is set by profile in Staff Manager Client. It is recommended that you select a label of six characters or less in this box. For example, PD for Patient Day would be an option in inpatient nursing, Proc for Procedure in radiology, and so on.
To print the report, see Printing Reports.
Viewing the Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report
The Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report displays values in hours, staff, Hours/UOS, or a combination depending on the option you selected on the report selection page. In the detail sections of the report, the term UOS are replaced by your unit of service as listed in the Staff Manager Client Budget Data dialog box Label for UOS box. In the summary section, the report uses the term UOS, as different profiles may each have their own individual label for UOS.
- Productivity Graph: You can display a Cumulative Variance graph, but the report can only graph one profile at a time. If you run the report for multiple profiles, it only displays graphs for the first profile.
- Summary Report: Displays a total of all the data for the parameters selected on the selection page.
- Detail by Partition and Skill: Displays breakdown by Shift Category Partition and Global Skill with totals. In this format, the first column is headed by the Workload Label by profile (typically Census for inpatient nursing).
- Detail by Skill: Displays breakdown by Global Skill with totals. The total also includes the Average Daily Census for the report interval.
When you run the Summary, Detail by Partition/Skill, Detail by Skill, and Graph Hours/UOS reports for multiple profiles (such as Profiles A and B), the report displays the information as follows:
- Graphs for Profile A
- Summary Report for Profiles A and B and the combined total
- Detail by Partition/Skill for Profile A
- Detail by Skill for Profile A
- Detail by Partition/Skill for Profile B
- Detail by Skill for Profile B
Viewing the Cumulative Variances Graph
Note: Only one profile can be graphed at a time. If you run a Productivity Report for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity on multiple profiles, the report will graph only the first profile.
The Cumulative Variances graph displays the cumulative variance between the TH/UOS and the PH/UOS in a bar graph for each day in the specified date range.
For example, assume a graph is run with the following data.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Target Hours/UOS
Productive Hours/UOS
The daily and cumulative variances shown on the graph would be as follows.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Daily Variance (PH/UOS - TH/UOS)
Cumulative Variance by Day
Viewing the Summary Section
When reporting by Hours or Staff Count, the summary report heading format is Productivity for Demand/Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity [Staff Count or Hours] Summary Report.
The census for each shift is the census as of the start of the shift category partition. The application calculates target staffing in one-hour increments within each shift and uses this data to populate the report.
The summary columns are as follows.
- Profile Name
- Cumulative Volume: Displays either the sum volume by day or the weighted average daily volume for the report interval. See Reports and Volume for more information.
- Average Acuity: Displays the average acuity level for the report interval
- Prod. [Staff or Hours]: Productive Staff Count or Hours for the report interval
- Target [Staff or Hours]: Displays demand-based values by global skill. Target includes workload associated with demand, ADT events, and Other patient events. See Calculating Staffing Levels in Demand Manager for more information on how target hours are calculated.
- Var Prod – Target [Staff or Hours]: The calculation of Productive minus Target in Staff Count or Hours
- Util T/P: Displays percent utilization calculated as Target FTEs/Hours divided by Productive FTEs/Hours for the report interval.
- Other [Staff or Hours]: Displays the Target Staff Count or Hours associated with Other patient events
- Float [Staff or Hours]: Displays the productive Staff Count or Hours provided by employees who do not have a primary or secondary job in the reported profile during the report interval
- Agency [Staff or Hours]: Displays productive Staff Count or Hours provided by employees based in profiles designated as Agency profiles. You designate profiles as Agency profiles in Staff Manager Administrator.
- Trav/Contract [Staff or Hours]: Displays productive Staff Count or Hours provided by employees designated as Traveler/Contract during the report interval. You designate employees as Traveler/Contract in Staff Manager Client.
When reporting by Hours/UOS, the summary report heading format is Productivity for Demand/Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity Hours/UOS Summary Report. The summary columns are as follows.
- Profile Name
- Cumulative Volume: Displays the weighted average daily volume for the report interval. See Reports and Volume for more information.
- Average Acuity: Displays the average acuity level for the report interval
- Prod. Hours: Productive Hours for the report interval
- Target Hours: Displays demand-based values by global skill. Target includes workload associated with demand, ADT events, and other patient events. If the Target Hours are affected by minimums, the column will include a lowercase m; for example, m21.75.
- Var Prod – Target Hours: The calculation of Productive minus Target in Hours
- PH/UOS: Displays the calculation of the productive hours divided by the cumulative workload for the report interval
- TH/UOS: Displays the calculation of the target hours divided by the cumulative workload for the report interval
- Var PH/UOS – TH/UOS: Displays the variance between productive hours per unit of service and target hours per unit of service for the report interval
- Other Hours: Displays the Target hours associated with Other patient events
- Float Hours: Displays productive hours provided by employees who do not have a primary or secondary job in the reported profile during the report interval
- Agency Hours: Displays productive hours provided by employees based in profiles designated as Agency profiles. You designate profiles as Agency profiles in Staff Manager Administrator.
- Trav/Contract: Displays productive hours provided by employees designated as Traveler/Contract during the report interval. You designate employees as Traveler/Contract in Staff Manager Client by going to the Maintain menu and selecting Employee Pay Rates; this box is date dependent.
Totals are shown at the bottom of the Summary report for all profiles.
Viewing the Detail by Partition and Skill Section
The heading format for detail by partition and skill is Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity Hours/UOS with Detail by Partition and Skill for [Profile Name]. If reporting by Hours/UOS, the detail columns are as follows.
- Profile Name
- Workload Measurement Label
(Volume): Displays either the sum volume by day or the weighted average daily volume for the report interval. The column is labeled with the profile's Workload Measurement Label as set in Staff Manager Administrator. If no label is available, the report uses the default label Volume.
- Average Acuity: Displays the average acuity level for the report interval
- Prod. Hours: Productive Hours for the report interval
- Target Hours: Displays acuity-based values by global skills. If the Target Hours are affected by minimums, the column will include a lowercase m; for example, m21.75.
- Var Prod – Target Hours: The calculation of Productive minus Target in Hours
- PH/[Label for UOS]: Displays the calculation of the productive hours divided by the cumulative workload for the report interval
- TH/[Label for UOS]: Displays the calculation of the target hours divided by the cumulative workload for the report interval
- Var PH/[Label for UOS – TH/[Label for UOS]: Displays the variance between productive hours per unit of service and target hours per unit of service for the report interval.
- Other Hours: Displays the Target hours associated with Other patient events
- Float Hours: Displays productive hours provided by employees who do not have a primary or secondary job in the reported profile during the report interval
- Agency Hours: Displays productive hours provided by employees based in profiles designated as Agency profiles. You designate profiles as Agency profiles in Staff Manager Administrator.
- Trav/Contract: Displays productive hours provided by employees designated as Traveler/Contract during the report interval. You designate employees as Traveler/Contract in Staff Manager Client by going to the Maintain menu and selecting Employee Pay Rates; this box is date dependent.
Viewing the Detail by Skill Section
The heading format for detail by skill is Productivity Report: Start Date – End Date (Report Interval). Productivity <FTEs or Hours> with Detail by Skill for [Profile Name].
The detail columns are the same as those for the Detail by Partition and Skill.
Notes on Formatting
Cumulative volume values are followed by CUM and average workload values by Avg.
Variances: Positive variances display in bold red type; negative variances display in blue italic type. The use of bold and italics provides a visual flag when printing in black and white.
Sample Reports
The following illustration displays a portion of a Productivity for Demand and Outcomes-Driven Acuity Report summary page.
The next illustration displays a portion of a Productivity Hours with Detail by Partition and Skill Report page.
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