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The Patient Assignment Audit Report

The Patient Assignment Audit Report lists everyone who made assignments during your specified date range. It also lists all users who made updates to assignments throughout the selected period.

Assignment Manager saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.

When facilities are in different time zones, Assignment Manager uses the time zone of the main database server for audit actions. For example, assume Susan in Miami logged into Assignment Manager at 08:00 EST. The database server for her organization is in St. Louis, which is in the Central time zone. The audit trail report shows that Susan logged in at 07:00 CST. This allows organizations to have one reference point for all audit actions.

Note: The Assignment Reconciliation setting, if enabled, can affect the output of this report. See Understanding Assignment Reconciliation Threshold Minutes for more information.

Running the Patient Assignment Audit Report

Complete the following steps to run the Patient Assignment Audit report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Patient Assign > Audit. This opens the Audit page.
  2. Select one or more Profile/Locations. You can view the report for multiple profiles and location. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
  3. Select one or more Shift Category Partitions.
  4. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.

  5. Enter an end date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.

  6. Select an Event Action to display.
  7. Select a Filter By option.
  8. Click Run Report.

Viewing the Patient Assignment Audit Report

When you select the Filter By: Date option, the Patient Assignment Audit Report includes the following information:

Sample Reports

When you do not select any filter options, the report displays its information as in the following illustration.

When you select the Filter By: Modified By option, the report header includes the information Filtered by Modified By: and the information you entered in the Modified By box. In the following illustration, the user filtered the report to show only records modified by Susan Jonson, whose user ID is SJONSON. The report subheading reads Filtered by Modified By: SJONSON Only.

When you select the Filter By: Caregiver Abbreviation option, the report header includes the information Filtered by Caregiver Abbreviation: and the information you entered in the Caregiver Abbreviation box. In the following illustration, the user filtered the report to show only records for caregiver Rebecca Higgins, whose abbreviation is RHIGGINS. The report subheading reads Filtered by Caregiver Abbreviation: RHIGGINS Only.

When you select the Filter By: Patient Encounter option, the report header includes the information Filtered by Patient Encounter Number: and the information you entered in the Patient Encounter Number box. In the following illustration, the user filtered the report to show only records for patient encounter number 123456789, which is connected to patient Beau Landry. The report subheading reads Filtered by Patient Encounter Number: 123456789 Only.

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