Editing Patient Data with the Administer Patient Pattern Window
Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.
This window provides you with the ability to easily update one or more patient progress patterns from the Patient Pattern Management page. Note that you must have Read Assess to Demand Data to view the Administer Patient Pattern window and Read & Write Assess to Demand Data to edit patient data. Schedulers set these Demand permissions for employees in Staff Manager Client.
Complete the following steps to edit patient data:
- From the Demand menu, select Patient Pattern Management. This opens the Patient Pattern Management page.
- Select the patient patterns you want displayed.
- Click Edit. This opens the Administer Patient Pattern window. This window also displays all the patients on the Patient Pattern Management page. Any filters you applied to the Patient Pattern Management page also affect the Administer Patient Pattern window.
- For each patient, the window displays the following information, some of which you can edit and some you cannot.
- Patient: The patient's name in Last Name, First Name format; cannot be edited.
- Location: The patient's current location; cannot be edited.
- Room/Bed: The patient's current room and bed information; cannot be edited; the registration interface passes this information to Demand Manager.
- Pattern: The abbreviation for the patient's current library pattern; cannot be edited. DRG patterns start with the letter D followed by the code number, such as D373. Custom DRG patterns begin with D and end in C, as in D373C.
- Criteria: The patient criteria used to assign the current library pattern. If you have the appropriate permissions, the criterion is displayed as a link. If you do not have permissions, there is no link. See Finding a Library Progress Pattern if you need to assign the patient a new library pattern.
- Departure: The date and time the patient is projected to leave the current location or level of care. You can edit this information. The projected Departure date and time must occur before or equal to the projected Discharge date and time, otherwise Demand Manager highlights the box in pink and asks you to correct the information. In addition, the departure date and time must be greater than the patient's pattern anchor date and time. See Understanding Dates in Demand Manager for more information.
- Discharge: The date and time the patient is projected to leave the facility. You can edit this information if the patient has not been assigned a location-based pattern. The projected Discharge date and time must be equal to or greater than the Departure date and time; otherwise, Demand Manager highlights the box in pink and asks you to correct the information.
- To change the departure or discharge date and time: Type the new date and time over the existing date and time, or use the date menu. The date menu displays when you click in the departure or discharge box. Press the TAB key or the right and left arrow keys to move from the date to the time. The cursor automatically moves from left to right from the date to the time, skipping over the hyphens and colon. Press the TAB key to move to the next date and time box.
- Care Coordinator 1 and Care Coordinator 2: Whether you can select either a Care Coordinator 1 or 2 depends on how your organization has configured Demand Manager. In addition, the names of these columns are configurable. For example, instead of seeing Care Coordinator 1 and Care Coordinator 2, you might see these columns labeled as Case Manager and Social Worker. If either of these menus is in blue, you can select a Care Coordinator from the menu.
- Click Close to close this window and return to the Patient Pattern Management page.
- Click Save to save changes
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