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The Consecutive Shifts Report

The Consecutive Shifts Report identifies employees who have worked or are scheduled to work a select number minimum number of hours per day within a period of consecutive days. The goal is to be able to identify, retroactively and proactively, possible over-staffing of employees, which can lead to fatigue.

The report details the number of consecutive shifts worked or scheduled within an instance of shift worked or scheduled across concurrent days where the number of concurrent days meet or exceeds your selected report criteria and falls within your selected date range.

Your security permissions determine which facilities and profiles you can select for the report. Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.

Running the Consecutive Shifts Report

Complete the following steps to run the Consecutive Shifts report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Management > Consecutive Shifts. This opens the Consecutive Shifts report page with the Selection Criteria tab active.
  2. Select one or more facilities from the Facilities menu. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
  3. Select one or more Profiles.
  4. Select one or more Global Skills.
  5. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu. You can run the report for up to one year, including past and future dates.
  6. Enter an end date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
  7. Select a value from the Greater Than or Equal to menu. Available options are 1 through 24; the default value is 12. This sets the number of hours worked the report includes. For example, if you select 12, the report includes all employees who worked a shift of 12 hours or more.
  8. Select a value from the Combine Shifts Less Than or Equal To menu. Available options are 0.0 to 8.0; the default value is 4.0. This setting has the report combine any shifts that are less than or equal to your selected value. If you select 2.5, for example, the report combines any shifts that are separated by 2.5 hours or less. Be aware, however, that the report does not combine shifts if the length of the combined shifts would exceed 24 hours. For example, assume Joe is scheduled to two tasks that start on same day. He is scheduled to shift A which takes place from 0645 to 1500 (8.25 hours) and shift B from 2200 to 0700 (9.00 hours). Jane runs the report and selects shifts greater than or equal to eight hours and to combine shifts less than or equal to eight hours apart. Combining Joe's two shifts would create a shift from 0645 to 0700, or 24.25 hours, so the report does not combine them. Instead, the report treats them instead as two consecutive shifts
  9. Select a value from the Greater Than or Equal to menu. Available options are 2 to 10; the default is 4. This sets the number of consecutive days worked the report includes. For example, if you select 5, the report includes all employees who worked shifts five or more days in a row.
  10. Select a Summary By option: Profile or Facility. This setting determines whether the report displays data by profile or by facility.
  11. Select an Export Type.
  12. Click Run Report.

Viewing the Consecutive Shifts Report: PDF Option

When you select the PDF export type, the report displays the following information in the heading.

The report then presents data under the following column headings.

How the Report Sorts Data in the PDF Format

If you selected the Summary by Facility option:

If you selected the Summary by Profile option:

Finally, the report sorts data by Start Date, first by Time In and then by Time Out.

Sample Report: PDF Option

The report below shows a PDF where the user selected Summary by Facility.

The report below shows a PDF where the user selected Summary by Profile.

Viewing the Consecutive Shifts Report: CSV Option

When you export the report as a CSV file, the column headings appear in the following order going from left to right.

The CSV report sorts data in the following order.

Finally, the report sorts data by Start Date, first by Time In and then by Time Out.

Sample Report: CSV Option

The report below shows a CSV file as seen in Microsoft Excel.

How the Report Works

The Consecutive Shifts Report reviews data on schedules, tasks, profiles, global skills, employees, opportunities, and dates and displays the data that matches your selected parameters. The following sections review how each of these areas affect the report's outcome.

Schedules and Tasks

The selections you make on the Selection Criteria tab affect how Clairvia Web includes or excludes tasks from the schedule. The most important parameters for schedule data are:

The following tables review two schedules for employee John Doe and how different selections for the above parameters affect the output.

Schedule 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
John Doe 7a-5p 7a-5p 7a-5p 7a-5p 7a-5p OFF OFF

Schedule 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
John Doe 7a-5p 7a-5p OFF 7a-5p 7a-5p OFF 7a-5p

If your report selections are set to display consecutive shifts where employees have been concurrently scheduled for at least three concurrent days to tasks that are ten hours or greater, John Doe and the five consecutive tasks he has worked would appear on the report that includes the dates in Schedule 1. If you run the report with the same parameters but for the dates in Schedule 2, John Doe would not appear.

Clairvia Web counts all tasks that meet the following criteria in the calculation of worked hours:


Your selected profile or profiles determine which employee schedules Clairvia Web analyzes for inclusion in the report. Employees are eligible to be included on the report if they had one of the selected profiles as their primary profile during the selected date range. For example, if nurse Ima was in the selected profile for one day of the selected date range, Clairvia Web analyzes Ima's schedule for the entire date range.

Global Skills

The report displays the selected global skills for the selected facilities and profiles. Employees are included on the report if they had one of the selected skills as their primary skill during your selected date range. For example, if nurse Ima had the selected skill as her primary skill for one day of the selected date range, Ima's schedule is analyzed for the entire date range.


The report includes all employees who meet the following criteria:


The report displays an (O) for all worked or scheduled shifts that are opportunities. If the report combines shifts based on your selection for Combine Shifts Less Than or Equal to Hours Apart, the report displays an (O) for the combined tasks if any portion of the combined schedule was an opportunity. For example, assume Mary Smith worked an Opportunity task from 0700 to 1200, and then worked a non-Opportunity task from 1300 to 1700. If your Combine Shifts Less Than or Equal to Hours Apart value was 1, the report combines Mary's two shifts into one and marks the entire combined shift of 0700 to 1700 as an opportunity (O).


Clairvia Web defines calendar dates as periods starting at 0000 (midnight) to 2359 (11:59 p.m.). The report includes a shift on a date based on the start time, duration, and number of hours for each day setting. For example, if the number of hours each day setting is Greater than or equal to 1, the report displays a 12-hour shift starting at 2300 on March 1 as having a date of March 1, even though the majority of the shift was worked on March 2.

In the event a period (as defined by your selected start and end dates) has no scheduled data, or contains no data that meets your selection criteria, the report displays the message There is no report data for your selected parameters.

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