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Configuring the Manager View

Profile administrators can customize their Dashboard views. Clairvia Web saves the settings you enter on the Manager View tab with your Clairvia Web login. The settings only affect the way you see your Dashboard.

Complete the following steps to configure the manager view:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Manager View. This opens the Manager View page.
  2. Complete the following configuration options under On Home Page.
    1. Select up to 5 Profiles to display in the daily Staff View. You may select up to five profiles to display. You must select at least one profile. In addition to the Staff View, this option also controls the profiles displayed in the Census, Staffing Alerts, Competencies, and Requests/Opportunities/Shift Swaps sections of the Admin Dashboard.
    2. FTE Threshold for Staffing Alerts [number of] FTEs. Clairvia Web displays staffing alerts when required FTEs vary from the actual FTEs scheduled. Use this option to set a tolerance level threshold to determine when these alerts display. For example, if the threshold is set to 1, the variance may deviate up to 1.0 FTE before Clairvia Web displays an alert. You can add whole numbers, such as 1, or decimal values, such as .75. You can only enter up to three characters, such as 1.2 or .75.
    3. Include Competency Expiration for the next [number of] days. The default value is 14, which means that Clairvia Web displays competency expiration alerts for 14 days plus the number of days specified by competency in Staff Manager. Base threshold values are set in Staff Manager Client using the Profile Alerts tab of the Competency Type Maintenance dialog box. We recommend that you set these base threshold values to zero.
    4. Show staffing alerts in Staff View for the next [number of] days. The default value is seven days, meaning that Clairvia Web displays staffing alerts for all variances between actual and required staffing starting with the current date and continuing through the next seven days.
    5. Show workload (census) values for selected Profiles in Staff View. If you select this check box, the Staff View displays the census values at the time of the last staffing decision point for all selected profiles. If you deselect this check box, census values do not display.
    6. Show pending request links for selected Profiles. If you select this check box, the Admin Dashboard displays (under Requests) links to any pending requests in the selected managed profiles. These links also display in the My Alerts window. If you deselect this check box, neither the Admin Dashboard nor the My Alerts window display the links.
    7. Show Staff View Staffing Chart. If you select this check box, the Admin Dashboard displays the Staff View bar chart. If you deselect this check box, the Staff View chart does not display.
    8. Show Staffing Alerts. If you select this check box, Clairvia Web displays an alert when there is a staffing deficiency in one of your selected profiles. If you deselect this check box, the Admin Dashboard does not display these alerts.
    9. Show Employee Competency Expiration Alerts. If you select this check box, Clairvia Web shows competency expiration alerts on the Admin Dashboard and in the My Alerts window when an employee's competency is to expire, according to the number of threshold days as set in Staff Manager Client. If you deselect this check box, the alerts do not display in either area.
    10. Show Message Center. If you select this check box, messages sent via Clairvia Web are displayed in the Message Center of the Dashboard.
    11. Show the My Alerts icon in page headers. If you select this check box, the My Alerts icon is displayed at the top of every page in Clairvia Web. If you deselect this check box, the My Alerts icon does not display.
  3. Complete the following configuration option under On Who's Here Page.
    1. Display Assignment Notes. If you select this check box, the Who's Here? page displays assignments notes. If you deselect this check box, the notes do not display.
  4. Complete the following configuration options under On Schedule Page.
    1. Show Float Employees. If you select this check box, the schedule pages (Requests, Schedule, and Profile and Employee schedules) display float employees in red with their home department in parentheses. If you deselect this check box, float employees do not display.
    2. Show Opportunities. If you select this check box, the Schedule page displays opportunities and users are able to select whether to view opportunities on their Schedule pages. If you deselect this check box, no one in the profile is able to see opportunities on their Schedule pages.
    3. Show Seniority Date in Opportunity Details. If you select this check box, the Opportunity Details window displays employees' seniority dates. If you deselect this check box, the Opportunity Details window does not display seniority dates.
    4. Show Assignment Notes in Schedule. All Web schedule views display assignment notes consistently by role. Managers have the option to view notes on hover only, to see the full note in grid only, or to see the full note on hover while limiting the note to a specific number of characters.
    5. Select spacing between Employees/Tasks in Weekly View. You can configure employees to view notes in the following formats: No spacing, single-spaced, double-spaced, single space only after note/float, or double space only after note/float. You can also control whether employees can view their own task notes, those of all employees (if they can see the entire schedule), or to suppress all assignment notes. All employees with assignment notes are highlighted with a yellow background. In addition, dates are anchored to allow you to scroll on the schedule and request pages.
  5. Complete the following configuration options under Send Email Notifications.

    1. Requests. If you select this box, Clairvia Web sends you email notifications each time an employee makes a request.
      • Send once daily. If you select this box, Clairvia Web sends you one email per day summarizing the total number of requests awaiting manager approval. You can configure the time for daily email notifications in the Staff Manager Administrator SMTP Default Tab settings dialog box. If there are no requests requiring approval, Staff Manager does not send an email message.
    2. Shift Swaps. If you select this box, Clairvia Web sends you email notifications each time an employee accepts a shift swap that requires manager approval.
      • Send once daily. If you select this box, Clairvia Web sends you one email per day summarizing the total number of shift swaps awaiting manager approval. If there are no shift swaps requiring approval, Staff Manager does not send an email message.
    3. Opportunities. If you select this box, Clairvia Web sends you email notifications each time an employee signs up for a Consider Me Shift Opportunity.
      • Send once daily. If you select this box, Clairvia Web sends you one email per day summarizing the total number of opportunities awaiting approval. If there are no opportunities requiring approval, Staff Manager does not send an email message.
  6. Click Save Changes.

More Information about the Manager View

If you select not to display staffing alerts on the Admin Dashboard, alerts are displayed in the My Alerts window.

When you select Yes for Show Staff Manager Messages, you can also use the Admin Note functionality available in Clairvia Web. If this option is set to No, the Admin Note function is unavailable.

Staff Manager combines email notifications whenever when possible. For example, if you select more than one option and select send once daily for each, Clairvia Web sends you one email message per day containing all activity associated with the selected types of notifications since the last notification email, unless there is no activity to report.

Staff Manager sends information about each new schedule event once. For example, if you received a message about a request needing your review, but did nothing about that request, Staff Manager would not send you another email notification about that event.

Even if managers elect to receive notifications once daily, it is possible for them to receive multiple email messages in the same day, due to the OnDemand Notification command in Clairvia Web. When a user triggers an OnDemand email notifications in Staff Manager Client, the application sends all email messages currently waiting to be sent. If additional activity occurs between the use of the OnDemand notification and the managers' regular time for once daily email notifications, Staff Manager sends them a second email message.

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