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Configuring Patient Assign Caregiver Roles

Only Admin users can create and edit caregiver roles.

Complete the following steps to configure caregiver roles:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Patient Assign > Caregiver Roles. This opens the Caregiver Roles Editor page.
  2. Click Add. This opens a new editing row.
    1. In the Role box, enter an abbreviated name for the new role. Abbreviations are limited to eight characters. Sample Role abbreviations include Direct, Meds, Orientee, Precept, and Sitter. Assignment Manager users use roles such as Assign and SAssign. Be aware that the Patient Assign printable view Basic format uses the first three letters of this abbreviation to indicate a caregiver's role for an assigned patient. For example, if you enter the abbreviation Direct, the Basic printable view will display the role as (Dir).
    2. In the Description box, enter an explanation for the new Role. For example, the role Orient might have the description Orientee and a corresponding Precept role might have the description Preceptor.
    3. In the % Demand box, enter the percentage of care hour demand this role cover for a patient. All roles for Assignment Manager are set to 0%. In addition, each role and its percent demand combination must be unique.
      • For a full-time caregiver role, enter 100 in the % Demand box.
      • In a unit where direct caregivers sometimes assume only a portion of the care hours, it is common to create a second Direct role with 50% Demand.
      • In units with LPNs or LVNs, it is common to add a direct RN Role of Lead at 20% Demand, which is used in combination with an LPN or LVN role of Direct Care at 80% Demand.
      • For a role like Precept, which provides a portion of direct care, you could enter 50 in the % Demand box, which would be used in combination with an assigned Orientee set as Direct Care also at 50%.
      • If Care Companions or Sitters are configured for Demand, enter 100% to offset their Event-driven care hours.
      • If iBus with Device Services is enabled: If caregivers are assigned to patients for the sole purpose of receiving secondary alerts, consider creating a role AlertSec with 0% Demand. Caregivers assigned in the secondary position with this role do not consume any of the care hours for the assigned patient.
      • Each role and its percent demand combination must be unique.
  3. Select Include in Pt. Count. Selecting this option adds the patient to the caregiver's assigned patient count when the caregiver is assigned with the selected role.
  4. Click Save.

To remove caregiver roles, click the red x in the role row. Removing a role from the Caregiver Roles Editor page automatically removes the role from assigned skills on the Caregiver Role Assignment page for all profiles. If a role should no longer be used in any profile, you can remove the role with the Caregiver Roles Editor page. If a role should no longer be used by select skills or select profiles, you should remove the role from the assigned skill on the Caregiver Role Assignment page for each profile.

How you set Percent Demand has implications for how Staff Manager measures caregiver time against patient care hours. Assume Mary Smith is assigned to work eight hours in a preceptor role that counts for 50% productive and 20% demand. Based on the 50% productive value, Mary provides four hours of direct care during the eight-hour shift. When Mary is assigned to a patient, however, her demand hours cover only 20% of the total need. This type of role might presume that the orientee being precepted would provide the other 80% of the total demand need.

Once you have created caregiver roles, you must assign the roles to profiles. See Assigning Caregiver Roles to Profiles for more information.

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