Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.
Criteria-Based Library patterns can use ICD-9 codes. You can assign ICD-9 codes to DRG patterns (either Standard or Custom), or you can configure a Non-DRG pattern using one or more ICD-9 codes, diagnoses, or admit reasons.
ICD-9 codes are facility-specific. Whether you need to configure ICD-9 codes depends on whether your organization sends codes to Patient Progress Manager in the Registration import. The amount of time you spend configuring ICD-9 codes depends on whether your organization uses and sends higher ranking criteria to Patient Progress Manager. The hierarchy for assigning patterns is DRG, ICD-9, Diagnosis, and Admit Reason, with the default being location-based pattern assignment.
The ICD-9 Definition Editor page displays ICD-9 codes, your description, class, and current pattern assignment in numerical order; however, you can also sort by any column by clicking the column heading. You can also hide ICD-9 codes; hidden codes are displayed in strikethrough text: This is strikethrough text.
Normally, Patient Progress Manager imports ICD-9 codes during the Demand Manager implementation process. This topic covers the steps needed to make any manual adjustments to ICD-9 codes.
Before adding an ICD-9 code, you should make sure it does not already exist in the application.
The page refreshes to display any ICD-9 code containing your search criteria, up to a maximum of 100 entries. If there are more than 100 entries, you will see the message First 100 results returned. Narrow your search and click Go again.
If no results are returned, you can add the ICD-9 code as described in the following section Adding an ICD-9 Code.
Complete the following steps to add an ICD-9 code:
The solution does not allow duplicate ICD-9 codes. If your ICD-9 code already exists in the application, Patient Progress Manager highlights the Code box in red and prompts you to correct the entry. If the pre-existing ICD-9 code is displayed on the Web page, Patient Progress Manager highlights both your new code and the existing code in pink so you can see where the duplication is.
You can edit ICD-9 code information on the ICD-9 Definition Editor page if the code is not being used by a Library Pattern, but you cannot assign an ICD-9 code to a pattern on this page. Instead, you should go to the Progress Patterns page to assign ICD-9 codes to a pattern.
You cannot delete an ICD-9 code if the following conditions apply:
The Delete icon is marked with a red X if an ICD-9 code cannot be deleted.
You should be aware that while you cannot delete an ICD-9 code, you can hide it. Hiding an ICD-9 code prevents it from being associated with future patterns. See the following section, Hiding an ICD-9 Code.
If the ICD-9 code does not fall into one of those three categories, and you want to remove it from the Progress Pattern page available selections, you can delete it using the following steps.
Hiding an ICD-9 code keeps it from being displayed as available on the Progress Pattern page and prevents it from being associated with future patterns. You should note, however, that hiding an ICD-9 code does not remove it from a current pattern.
Patient Progress Manager displays hidden ICD-9 codes in strikethrough text. This is strikethrough text.
You can click Reset to undo any edits made since you last saved the configuration.