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Configuring Global Shift Categories and Partitions

Beginning with Clairvia Web 7.0, Cerner Corporation introduced the concept of global shift categories and partitions to streamline reporting across profiles. Currently, the optional Assignment Manager application is the only application using global shift categories, but they will receive greater use in future versions of Clairvia Web.

Only Enterprise Admin users can configure global shift categories and partitions. Complete the following steps to configure global shift categories and partitions:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Shift Category/Partition. The Shift Category/Partition page opens.
  2. Create a Shift Category.
    1. Click Add. A new editing row opens in the Shift Categories area.
    2. Enter a Shift Category Name in the box. For example, you might name a nursing shift category Nursing.
  3. Create Shift Category Partitions.
    1. Select the Shift Category row that needs the new partition.
    2. Click Add Partition. A new editing row opens in the Shift Category Partitions pane.
    3. Enter a Partition Name. For example, you might name a partition running from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Day or 7a-3p.
    4. Enter a Start Time for the partition. A day partition might start at 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 a.m., while a night partition might start at 11:00 p.m. Clairvia Web fills the End Time box automatically based on the other partitions in the Shift Category.
    5. Enter a value in the Spill-Over Front Minutes box; typical values are 31, 61, and 121.
    6. Enter a value in the Spill-Over Back Minutes box; typical values are 31, 61, and 121.
  4. Click Save All.

More Information about Shift Categories and Shift Category Partitions

A shift category is a defined 24-hour staffing day. For example, you might create a shift category that covers the 24 hours between 7:00 a.m. one day and 7:00 a.m. the next day.

Shift category partitions mark the primary shift lengths for a unit and represent a block of time during a Shift Category where certain types of skilled employees work. For example, a shift category called Nursing might have three 8-hour partitions called Day, Evening, and Night, which together make up the 24-hour staffing day.

See Working with Global Shift Categories for more information about shift categories and partitions. See Understanding Scheduling Spill-Over Time for more information about spill-over time.

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