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Configuring Facility Settings: The Clinical Event Mapping Tab

If your organization uses CareAware iBus and Outcomes-Driven Acuity, you can use the Clinical Event Mapping tab as part of configuring Demand Manager Facility settings. The Clinical Event Mapping tab allows you to establish connections between Outcomes-Driven Acuity and the Cerner Millennium Clinical Mapping Table. This mapping allows Cerner clinical solutions within Cerner Millennium to draw acuity and workload information from the iBus and display it for their users. You must have the correct security permissions in order to see and use the Clinical Event Mapping tab.

See Configuring Demand Manager Facility Settings for the full list of steps for configuring facility settings.


Keep in mind that any changes to your iBus configuration affect the type of information and how information is integrated with the CareAware iBus. You should only make changes to configuration under the direction of your Cerner Clairvia Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.

Configuring the Clinical Event Mapping Tab

  1. From the Configure menu, select Demand Manager > Facility Settings. The Facility Settings page opens.The Patient Progress Manager tab is active by default.
  2. If your organization has multiple facilities, there is a Facilities list on the right side of the page title bar. Select a facility from the menu.
  3. Click the Clinical Event Mapping tab to make it active.
  4. In the Data Points pane, Acuity Level is selected by default. This activates the items in the Data Point Mapping pane.
  5. If you want acuity levels sent to Cerner Millennium, select Send to Millennium. Otherwise, leave the box deselected.
  6. Complete the Parameter Value settings.
    1. Code Value: The default value is Acuity. You can enter a different value if you want.
    2. Code Value Unit: The default value is Level. You can enter a different value if you want.
  7. Add one or more Workload Skill Per Minute Rates. See the following section, Understanding the Skill Per Minute Rate, for more information.

    1. In the Data Points pane, click Add New under Workload. This opens the Workload options in the Data Point Mapping pane. Required options are highlighted in yellow, except for the Code Value Unit option, which has the default value Skill Per Minute Rate.
    2. If you want workload data sent to Cerner Millennium, select Send to Millennium. Otherwise, leave the box deselected.
    3. Select one or more Global Skills. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
    4. Enter a Code Value Alias. This value should match your equivalent value in Cerner Millennium, such as SPM RN. Contact your Clinical Consultant if you need help reviewing your Cerner Millennium value aliases.
    5. Enter a Code Value Unit. The default value is Skill Per Minute Rate. You can enter a different value if you want.
  8. Click Save to save your changes for your selected data point. Clairvia Web then validates your entries. If there are any errors, such as a duplicate Data Point, Clairvia Web displays the corresponding error message and prompts you to correct the error. The page highlights the option containing the error in red; positioning your pointer over the option displays more information in a tooltip.

You can click Reset to undo any edits made since you last saved the configuration.

Understanding the Skill Per Minute Rate

The raw rate of workload is a Skill Per Minute rate (SPM) that equals the amount of caregivers for a specific skill needed to care for a particular patient per minute.

The formula for calculating workload depends on the configuration of budgeted skill ratios for specified Direct Care Staffing Distribution intervals, HL7 events, and the patient’s Acuity Level. In many cases, the Direct Care Staffing Distribution aligns with shift times, which means that the workload rate for a patient could be different for each shift throughout the day even if the patient’s Acuity Level stays the same. Additionally, Direct Care Staffing Distribution intervals often cross over midnight. In the event that a Direct Care Staffing Distribution interval crosses over midnight, the SPM Rate breaks at midnight even if the rate does not change.

The Clinical Event Mapping tab configures the final part of the SPM equation: the combination of Caregivers' Skills. You use the tab to map Cerner Clairvia global skills to Cerner Millennium code values.

For example, if RN and Charge Nurse are configured as two separate global skills in Cerner Clairvia, but are considered one role (RN) in Cerner Millennium, you would use the Clinical Event Mapping tab to select RN and Charge Nurse from the Global Skills menu, enter your Code Value Alias, and enter a Code Value Unit. This mapping then allows Cerner Clairvia to combine workload for the RN and Charge Nurse global skills and send the data as one value to Cerner Millennium, completing the SPM equation.

The following table displays a sample SPM Rate for a patient day based on Direct Care Staffing Distribution:

Period SPM Rate
11 p.m. - 12 a.m. 0.25 RNs (25% of one RN's time)
12 a.m. - 7 a.m. 0.25 RNs (25% of one RN's time)
7 a.m. - 3 p.m. 0.50 RNs (50% of one RN's time)
3 p.m. - 11 p.m. 0.40 RNs (40% of one RN's time)

Since the Skill Per Minute rate is stored at the end of the patient’s pattern in Cerner Clairvia, as updates for the patient occur (such as an assessment), the workload rate is recalculated from the time of the event through the remainder of the patient’s pattern.

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