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The Audit Trail Report

The Audit Trail Report has search and sort features that allow you to locate audit trail data based on date, employee abbreviation, Action Type (delete, add, edit, or user login), and Staff Manager user name. Once the report is complete, you can sort the report data by date, action, or user.

When facilities are in different time zones, Staff Manager uses the time zone of the main database server for audit actions. This allows organizations to have one reference point for all audit actions. For example, assume Susan in Miami logged into Staff Manager at 08:00 EST. The database server for her organization is in St. Louis, which is in the Central time zone. The audit trail report shows that Susan logged in at 07:00 CST.

Clairvia Web saves the options you select for each report by your user login once you click Run Report.

Running the Audit Trail Report

Complete the following steps to run the Audit Trail Report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Administrative > Audit Trail. This opens the selection criteria page.
  2. Enter the Start Date of the period to be audited in the box, or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
  3. Enter the End Date of the period to be audited in the box, or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
  4. Select one or more Action Types to be included in the report. The audit trail tracks the following employee actions.
  5. Select one or more profiles.
  6. Select a Filter By option followed by the appropriate Search or Security Group selection.
  7. Select a Sort By option: Date, Action, or User, then select a sort order: Descending or Ascending.
  8. Click Run Report.

To print the report, see Printing Reports.

Viewing the Audit Trail Report

If no changes were made to the Staff Manager database during the time specified, Clairvia Web displays the message There is no data to display. Otherwise, Clairvia Web displays a list of changes to the database for the selected period.

To navigate through the pages in the Audit Trail, click the page numbers listed at the top and bottom of the report.

If you have the correct security permissions, you can also view the Audit Trail in Staff Manager Administrator.

Caution: Audit Trail data is automatically deleted after 30 days.

Sample Report

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