You can see opportunity details by clicking the links on the Weekly Schedule page. You can then accept the opportunity or remove it from your list.
Complete the following steps to accept or decline a shift opportunity:
When you click Schedule Me, the window closes, Clairvia Web removes the opportunity from your list, and Clairvia Web adds you to the schedule.
When you click Consider Me, the window closes, Clairvia Web removes the opportunity from your list, and Clairvia Web adds your name to a list for the manager to review.
The opportunity displays as pending on your Dashboard until the manager awards it. Once the manager awards the opportunity, your Dashboard no longer displays it. Clairvia Web sends the person awarded the opportunity a message about their new schedule using the Message Center.
You can sign up for two Consider Me opportunities for the same day even if they have overlapping times. When the manager approves one of the requests, Clairvia Web automatically denies the other. This prevents you from being accidentally scheduled for both shifts. You would receive an approved message for the first opportunity and a denied message for the second.
Multiple users can sign up for the same Consider Me opportunity. When the manager approves one user's request to work the shift, Clairvia Web automatically sends a denied message to the other users.